Slow/ Fast Cars

Have noticed that some car drivers can be right muppets :question:
Well when driving along the motorway at 56mph (this has happened more than once) a car will decide to overtake you? Well this is not a problem because the motorway speed limit is 70 mph-( well most people do more than this any way) and then he they will decide to pull in front of you and then put the brakes on :question: :question: :question:
What a muppet I think, then he will cruise along at 53/54mph, then after pulling out into the second lane the car driver suddenly speeds up :question: :question:
So then I think once again what a muppet, then pull into the first lane again.

Then guess what happens:?: :question: :question:
Yes the muppet in the car decides to slow down AGAIN. So time I sucssfully over take him. So I just get on with driving and consentrate on the road ahead.

Then suddenly guess who suddenly overtakes me:?: :question: :question:
Yes it’s the muppet in the car :exclamation:
And yes he slows down again:!:
Are they just playing a game :question: :question:
If they are the game would be either:-
Who can enoy the lorry driver …or
Who can be the biggest muppet on the road:!:

Either way they achive only 1 thing… an irritated lorry driver :exclamation: :exclamation:

i had one today too on the M25. a sporty merc being driven slow/fast/slow and from side to side. some prat on a mobile :unamused:

I had Two similar thhings like this on the M5 this afternoon. couldn’t get past them cause as soon as I pulled into the next lane they would speed up. When I pulled back into the lefthand lane they slowed up. i think they do it just to wind us up as I’ve had a few like this.

the ones that [zb] me off are the ones that come flying
past me as im going into roadworks with 40 or 50
limits then pull in front of me and slam on :imp: :imp: :imp:
then they usualy keep you pinned at 10mph below the restriction
limit :imp: :imp: :imp:
but of course being car drivers they wont have seen the width
restriction signs for the other lanes and think you must be
happy at that speed or you would overtake :imp: :imp: :imp:

sorry :blush: :blush: i must calm down :blush: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

mr jinx:
the ones that [zb] me off are the ones that come flying
past me as im going into roadworks with 40 or 50
limits then pull in front of me and slam on :imp: :imp: :imp:
then they usualy keep you pinned at 10mph below the restriction
limit :imp: :imp: :imp:
but of course being car drivers they wont have seen the width
restriction signs for the other lanes and think you must be
happy at that speed or you would overtake :imp: :imp: :imp:

sorry :blush: :blush: i must calm down :blush: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

I agree with that - it really winds me up too. I have no problem with anyone overtaking me or pulling in front as long as they get their foot down and don’t hold me up

I had a muppet today as I came off the M6 at the Catthorpe interchange he was slowly coming down my outside to the traffic light which at that time were just changeing to green. After getting 2 car lengths in front of me he pulls in front NO SIGNAL then pulls away a bit & next thing I know the z/b stops dead just passed the lights, by this time I’d got up to about 20-25mph so it was a case of brake & hooter {This was so I think he could read the signpost that said M1 North} He then went up the A14 never to be seen again…

Dont they just get up your nose…but just before i retire…im gonna teach one a lesson he wont forget gonna ram him…so hard…he will remember that incident for a very long time…and hopefully …never venture onto a motorway again…or creep along in front of a truck at the same speed…
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

■■■■■■■ halfwits, :imp: :imp: I usually get 1 or 2 a day,UNFORTUNATELY this rather annoying game is’nt just confined to car drivers :unamused: :wink: :wink: