Slow drivers

Picture the scene,

I’m driving along the M25, anticlockwise just past the Sainsbury’s depot going towards the tunnel at the A10 (Junction 25). I’m on the CC doing 90kms.

A car (woman driver with child, about 10 - 12 years old) passes me in the middle lane doing about 95kms

As she gets past me (about 2 metres) she indicates in and pulls over into the nearside lane, straight into my braking zone!

What she did next really infuriates me!!! She took her foot off the gas pedal and started to slow down!!!

I flash her three times but I know that I’m wasting my time, she is now 2 metres in front of me doing 85kms. I pull into the middle lane and use my horn as I pass her.

The real problem is that she will go home and tell her husband/boyfriend what a horrible lorry driver did to her today!

I have mentioned this before on here but I will say it again, there should be a minimum speed limit for cars using a motorway, there I’ve said it again, see what you have made me do!!!

How many times can you say that you have had to overtake a car on a motorway because it was doing less than 90kms?

Sorry, rant over

As she gets past me (about 2 metres) she indicates in and pulls over into the nearside lane, straight into my braking zone!

What she did next really infuriates me!!! She took her foot off the gas pedal and started to slow down!!!

I flash her three times but I know that I’m wasting my time, she is now 2 metres in front of me doing 85kms. I pull into the middle lane and use my horn as I pass her.

You missed out the bit about when you get half way past her she/he speeds up and matches your speed and leaves you stuck in the middle lane :imp:


hey never mind car drivers doing that to you, we sort off expect it from them idiots.but what i don’t expect is a class1 professional driver to do it to you.
i was travelling east on M8 towards edinburgh yesterday 20-08-04 and in front of me was a scania pulling a low loader.i was waiting patiently for a suitable gap in the traffic so as i could pull out and pass him.i gets my chance and indicates and pulls out,i’m just at his front axle of his trailer and he decide’s to put the phone down and he notices me overtaking what does mr i’m not letting him pass me do,yes he puts his foot at this point we’re only 2miles from harthill he pulls away in front and i’m having to cut back in to inside lane.after a flash of the lights at him i gets behind him.and would you believe it he pulls into harthill services,now if i was an angry road rage driver ( which i’m not)i’d have pulled in behind him and gave him a few choice words but i just thought thankgod he is in a small minority of class1 drivers who do this manover.why he did that i’ll never know, but and it’s a small but,if you happen to be on here i’d like for you to explain why you did this? although i doubt if you’ll be here as only professional drivers join this site.

thats it rants over

I don’t think there should be a minimum speed for cars on the motorway. I think there should be more education for learner drivers. Motorway driving is potentially hazardous, as the above highlights. So why do they ommit such an important thing from diving tuition? Maybe if people were instructed on how to drive on motorways - maintaining a suitable speed, not staying in the middle lane at 50mph, not taking the paint of a wagon’s bumper when you pull back in (if you bother to pull back in) etc. etc.

Then we wouldn’t have to put up it day after day. Having said that, I’m sure there will always be something to moan about :wink:

The only time you get any training on a motorway is if you take the Pass Plus with your instructor, this normally involves night driving and motorway etiquette, but can only be done after passing normal driving test.

It is normally taken up by young kids who cant get insurance for less than £9.000 for the £300 Nova with £6000 worth of stereo.

How many Truck Drivers have had training on a motorway though?
The old way was that you went out with an experienced driver for a few weeks on HGV L plates and got the total work experience. Nowadays the schools are using wagon and drags around the houses and towns, and some truck drivers dont even see a motorway till they pass

Ive mentioned before about car drivers ( and sometimes van and lorry drivers!) dropping in to your braking distance. I used to get worked up every time some idiot cut me up especially to turn off causing me to brake hard to avoid them. Now i just drop back and let them get on with it , after all its not my fault that they are less competent than i . But what does get my blood pressure up a bit is young boy racer sitting next to me at the traffic light with all speakers blasting away at maximum decibels spoiling my enjoyment of radio 2 :imp: .
I had my own back one day though, Nice day, window down traffic light s red, next to me is boy racer in 206 ragtop wearing street uniform of tracksuit trainers baseball cap and gold neckchain as he was taking a call on his mobile i gave him a blast of Eric Clapton `s Before you accuse me! on my stereo!! Honour was satisfied!!!

There needs to be something done about motorway drivers. Intoroduce a minimuim speed limit when road conditions are good and make motorway driving part of the driving test. If there isnt a motorway close to the test centre then a suitable A road with wide open sections and maybe even dual carrageways. And educate them on how to use indicators/mirrors and keeping out of the way of HGVs.

As for the boy racers, Nothing is better than sitting at traffic lights and they will be sitting there music booming and riding the clutch. Lights change green and you go and beat him :slight_smile: nothing gives me more satisfaction than getting in front of them.

Then the boy racers who decide that they cant wait and need to be in front of that HGV, last guy to cut out in front of me wasnt quick enough and lost a bumper and scraped my wheel nuts!

Then theres drunk drivers! had one overtake me in a Contraflow bus lane! and pull in and stand on his brakes. Well there wasnt much left of his car once I had finished hitting it twice. but still managed to drive away leaving his number plate on the road!

In all my life driving thats the only 2 idiots ive managed to hit, The rest I usualy just drop back and let go.

On Motorways if there is a HGV passing I always lift off for a few seconds to let him get past then flash him in. Ive lost maybe 2 - 3 seconds doing so and youve kept another driver stress free as well as yourself. I do this when driving a car or bus and you always get the flash of the indicators most time saying thanks. After all we are all doing the same job so lets make it an easier job to do.

Why is they are always looking at the map whilst driving, instead of stopping or planning ahead :unamused:

And educate them on how to use indicators/mirrors and keeping out of the way of HGVs.

Why should cars keep out of the way of HGV’s. Surely a professional driver is capable of dealing with this problem and overtaking if required!

Even though i am a car driver and due to conduct HGV training shortly i don’t have the attitude that HGV’s own the road and neither should you.


Why should cars keep out of the way of HGV’s. Surely a professional driver is capable of dealing with this problem and overtaking if required!

Even though i am a car driver and due to conduct HGV training shortly i don’t have the attitude that HGV’s own the road and neither should you.


I gotta agree with you GMANSCAN! as a Class 1 driver and a car driver, Cars can be a pain in the arse when driving large vehicles, equally large vehicles are a pain to car drivers!!! difference is as professional drivers we should be able to deal with any problem on the road, as a part of the job!

I quite agree GMANSCAN, that is a bad attitude. Why do LGV drivers think they own the road? They should be well aware that its a fact, they do own the road :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:

Maybe “keeping out of the way of HGV’s” is a bit strong but “being aware of the space needed by HGV’s” would be better. I now take it as read that somebody has jumped into one of my blindspots, and most of the time I’m proved right.

Typical example is the roadworks on the A500 southbound. It’s narrow lanes all the way down and impossible to keep your lane going round one of the roundabouts. It’s a near miss every time as they pull into blindspots for fun.

Was it anyone on here that was driving the CO-OP artic at about 40mph on the A75 last thursday night :imp: :imp:

talking about this car driver vs hgv mlarky, in my opinion there is nothing worse than seeing hgv drivers flashing car/van or any one in an irate manner… if some one takes your braking space what do you do …wel instead of flashing creeping up the car drivers arse in a threatening manner just flipping ease off and make a new breaking distance for christs sake… no wonder we cannot improve our image with this type of driving.
we have all done it but i,m talking to you from the new chilled out terry. so come on guys n lasses if i can chill you can aswell.
honestly there is nothing worse than seeing this type of driving…it is aggressive antisocial and down right unproffessional…

talking about this car driver vs hgv mlarky, in my opinion there is nothing worse than seeing hgv drivers flashing car/van or any one in an irate manner… if some one takes your braking space what do you do …wel instead of flashing creeping up the car drivers arse in a threatening manner just flipping ease off and make a new breaking distance for christs sake… no wonder we cannot improve our image with this type of driving.
we have all done it but i,m talking to you from the new chilled out terry. so come on guys n lasses if i can chill you can aswell.
honestly there is nothing worse than seeing this type of driving…it is aggressive antisocial and down right unproffessional…

Ditto Tez, in the past ive been a hoodlum on the track, luckilly, ive never crashed badly or hurt anybody, but you hit the nail on the head there Tez. What amazes me is the blokes of a good age that aint had the penny drop yet, and are doing the kid thing still! They end the day ranting with a 1000 yard stare, because theyre knackered to ■■■■■■ I dont tell em nothing, its their life, anyway i dont think education shouldnt be free! :laughing: :laughing:

we have all proberbly played the nutter mal… no one more so than mior… but we are all meant to grow up aswell… and your dead right m8 when you see the oldies doing it… i just think it looks totally stupid