Slot 1 or Slot 2 for Training

Threads like this show that many people have never used a digi with 2 drivers cards. but are willing to offer their opinion on how it should be done, even though they are clearly wrong.
When moving, card 2 will only show poa. It will stay on poa once you stopped though, unless you change it to other work (or break ).( unless the newest software has changed this)
However, on the Siemens tachos, with a noob (noob to using 2 cards) driver driving, once you stop to unload at a destination, the noob will, when asked, switch card 2 to other work.
9 times out 10 though, they will press the left button for card 2, expecting it to change mode as it does for card 1.
It doesn’t.
If you’ve never used 2 cards, look at the tacho, and you’ll see why !

arse on drivers seat matches card in slot 1

When I was training my trainer didn’t use slot 2 because of it recording poa. He filled in an analogue chart every day and kept it with him before returning them to the office

When I was training my trainer didn’t use slot 2 because of it recording poa. He filled in an analogue chart every day and kept it with him before returning them to the office

One way of doing it. Sure someone will correct may if I’m wrong but the only requirement is to keep a record. So jotting it down in a notebook would of been more practical.


When I was training my trainer didn’t use slot 2 because of it recording poa. He filled in an analogue chart every day and kept it with him before returning them to the office

One way of doing it. Sure someone will correct may if I’m wrong but the only requirement is to keep a record. So jotting it down in a notebook would of been more practical.

My place is big on compliance so think they like it on the proper charts.

Multi drop lasting more than 10 hours. Are you trying to put him off the job? :wink:

End of shift . Bang Card in and do manual entries for that days Work all needed is ,
End previous shift.
Start shift
Work breaks Work end shift .

Thank You for all the answers.
In the end I didn’t drive at all, or do any work for that matter. I did put my card in slot 2 and left it in all day where it, as was said, recorded all my activity as POA with the exception when I manually changed it over to record a 50 minute break.