
■■■■ Lester Our God At Night.

Lol! Just tuned in to the end of his show and wondered what he was going on about

Lol! Just tuned in to the end of his show and wondered what he was going on about

What this topic about :confused: :confused:

The main reason I was sorry to stop working nights!!


Lol! Just tuned in to the end of his show and wondered what he was going on about

What this topic about :confused: :confused:

Yeah where are we going with this ? :confused:

Probably here.


Cheers for posting weeto

■■■■ Lester Our God At Night.

Are you sure it wasn’t

■■■■ Leicester “Hour God” at night? :laughing:

I understand Leicester is going to go through the million population mark any day, and might become a 24/7 city proper you see…

Good work & conditions in the area already? - Who’s working there?