Slip on boots or lace ups?

I’m a Chelsea boot bloke me.

Mainly for in cab convenience…I can slip em off my feet without the bending down that those ruddy lace ups require.

Also, do you clean and polish your work boots?

I ask cos I polished my boots last week…the first time I’ve done so in ages. They come up a treat but I normally can’t be bothered.

Yes, I AM bored.

Same type but laced loosely so they slip on . Bored aswell

Nice to see a different type of thread on here.
I wear my old Timberlands and I slip them on and off and leave them on the top step, looking a bit tatty now though, will have to change them.

lace up shoes, kicked off on the top step, and clogs for driving. Keeps some of the dust etc, out of the cab

Got a pair of lee coopers, steel toe capped lace ups, bit of a PITA to put on but quite light and comfy, for cleaning I just use a wet wipe and a bit of polish on the tip to bring it up nicely. :wink:


The H&S mafia forbid slip on’s,“riggers”,“chelseas” or “dealers” on nearly all sites now, gotta be “lace ups” or get out :exclamation:

Crocs :grimacing:

I like them snug so lace up for me with Kevlar undersides to save weight. I do like them clean and polished. I even bulled them a few months ago for a parade laying a wreath. Phase 2 flashbacks :open_mouth:

I prefer Chelsea style boots for comfort, but sometimes when struggling to push heavy pallets around in the back of trailer,they slip off my feet to easily. So its lace ups all the way now.:cry:

Slip ons usually, but never polish them. Use a wet wipe to clean the crap off, but not polishing goes back to when I was sparkying, and one of the guys I worked with polished his religiously, then got black smear marks all over a customers carpet. That was all the excuse I needed!

I wear doc martins shoes out the cab. But I have a pair of euroroutiers inside,
And they are steel capped.
At home I have trickers and alfred sargents shoes. I never wear trainers.
All my shoes get polished daily.

pair of dealer and they stay on the top set, pair of slip on trainers in the cab, never wear my work boots in my house at the weekend, so don’t do it in my house during the week :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Nice to see a different type of thread on here.
I wear my old Timberlands and I slip them on and off and leave them on the top step, looking a bit tatty now though, will have to change them.

Do they not fall off the top step when you’re driving? :smiley:


Nice to see a different type of thread on here.
I wear my old Timberlands and I slip them on and off and leave them on the top step, looking a bit tatty now though, will have to change them.

Do they not fall off the top step when you’re driving? :smiley:

No, the door closes over the top of the top step only, leaving the bottom 2 steps exposed :slight_smile:

Prefer dealer boots, but apparently only the general fleet are allowed them now…lack of ankle support. Someone slipped and blamed the boots so we all get told lace ups only.

I got a branch caught in the lace of my boot and went arse over ■■■, but that’s ok in the eyes of the office knobs who have never been outside before.

Good quality Chelsea boots for me, I’m lazy & I like good quality stuff…:smiley:

Lace ups. Never polished. Worn in the cab. Boots on dashboard or engine hump at breaktime if I have a sleep.

These boots aint cheap but I wont wear any other kind. i have a pair for best and a pair for work. When the work ones wear out I buy a new pair and have them for best, a kind of boot use by scheme :slight_smile:

Tenspot Billy likes his thigh high stiletto boots so long as he can wear fishnet stockings though