Sliding skeleton trailers

Got on sound this morning, cheers lads


Nice to see companies sending drivers out fully trained!

Shocking company mate… Handed notice in on Friday so the punishment week has begun haha

In that case, If I was in your boots I’d refuse the job as not trained to do it.

Nice to see companies sending drivers out fully trained!

It’s a skelly 5 mins of looking at it is all you need

Nice to see companies sending drivers out fully trained!

Does the Health & Safety at work act not require employers to train employees on equipment prior to them being asked to use it??


Nice to see companies sending drivers out fully trained!

Does the Health & Safety at work act not require employers to train employees on equipment prior to them being asked to use it??

It probably does. It’s OK to say its a simple piece of kit to figure out how to use but I pity the idiot that uses it without training and then hurts themselves or someone else.

whilst looking deep into my lovers eyes and clutching a roll of industrial clingfilm my advances where definitely not welcome. She uttered the now standard remark in these situations: “get that away from me, you’ve been on that bloody trucknet forum again haven’t you”.

You should’ve told her the cling film is one of those new fangled beauty regimes you’ve read about :wink:



Nice to see companies sending drivers out fully trained!

Does the Health & Safety at work act not require employers to train employees on equipment prior to them being asked to use it??

It probably does. It’s OK to say its a simple piece of kit to figure out how to use but I pity the idiot that uses it without training and then hurts themselves or someone else.

I’d say it’s nice to be shown how to use a sliding trailer . But really some thing you if you spent 5 mins walking around like a skelly and you could not work it out I’d suggest a career change




Nice to see companies sending drivers out fully trained!

Does the Health & Safety at work act not require employers to train employees on equipment prior to them being asked to use it??

It probably does. It’s OK to say its a simple piece of kit to figure out how to use but I pity the idiot that uses it without training and then hurts themselves or someone else.

I’d say it’s nice to be shown how to use a sliding trailer . But really some thing you if you spent 5 mins walking around like a skelly and you could not work it out I’d suggest a career change

I’ve never used one, and suspect I could work it out…
HOWEVER, I’d still like/appreciate to be shown how to use it just for peace of mind that I’m doing it right.
OK, it may be obvious, but i wouldn’t want to be driving off wondering for the rest of the journey whether I’ve done everything right!

“I’d say it’s nice to be shown how to use a sliding trailer . But really some thing you if you spent 5 mins walking around like a skelly and you could not work it out I’d suggest a career change”

I started working in transport in the era of 'here’s the keys go and work out how to work it you are using later". If you did not know how to do something you asked an old swet or learnt the hard way and that was fine then. Now in this day and age where you are liable for just about everything and the lawyers are hand in glove with the insurers only an idiot would not ask for training. I carry a metaphorical umbrella with me all the time, you get them from the same place management do and they are for keeping the brown messy stuff off your back. Give me the training or I don’t do the job, I aint carrying the can for anyone.

Yep, back in the sixties you just found out for yourself, one way or another. But the place wasn’t full of these parasites that run round looking to put a claim in.