Sleeping in a tin box!

The weather is great but it is so difficult to sleep in the cab at night.
Air-con makes life easier during the day but even with the roof open and both windows down a couple of inches it is stiffling at times.
Then all you get is more noise as other drivers arrive or leave, I’ve been putting up with it for 20 years but it doesn’t get any easier… What do you do?

over here we leave the engine running and the aircon on

It most certainly is tempting to do that but I’m a light sleeper and I also have to think of the driver next to me.

It most certainly is tempting to do that but I’m a light sleeper and I also have to think of the driver next to me.

Well turn the light off,and tell the driver next too you to turn over. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


It most certainly is tempting to do that but I’m a light sleeper and I also have to think of the driver next to me.

Well turn the light off,and tell the driver next too you to turn over. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You wont do so well when you have hail stones then! :open_mouth:

In the US, 90% of all trucks idle at night, even with fuel now at $2.59/US gal (which is 36. litres, BTW). Few trucks have onboard power units.

I used to try to not idle at night. I had a set of window screens and had a nice heavy-duty cab fan in my cabover truck. I often parked nose-in at truckstops and tried to park facing the wind whenever possible.


It most certainly is tempting to do that but I’m a light sleeper and I also have to think of the driver next to me.

Well turn the light off,and tell the driver next too you to turn over. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Have not done a night out yet so cannot comment

Very Good kitkat :smiley:

Alex…as most british drivers have beans for breakfast…theyre in the wind all the time… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

In the US, 90% of all trucks idle at night, even with fuel now at $2.59/US gal (which is 36. litres, BTW). Few trucks have onboard power units.


How does that work then Alexx? Sleeping must be difficult with all those engines humming, not to mention getting gassed with all the fumes.

Nosing in is a good idea (see ‘fridge’ thread) but what if everyone, or even several nearby, got the message too?

Salut, David.

Ah, yeah. The person that invented air con needs to be honoured with a very large and fat medal :slight_smile: .

Had my air con running more-or-less all week but would you believe I had the night-heater going on Tuesday morning :open_mouth: I kid you not. I parked up on the road from Consett to Newcastle (A694?) in a place called Lintzford, just near a river and I woke up laid on top of my duvet at 4am freezing my off :open_mouth: . I turned the ignition on so that I could close the windows and the temp said 4C :open_mouth: . I think it was because I was in a valley and so close to the river as it was misty too. I know that about 2hrs later I had the air con going again though :slight_smile: .

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:22 pm Post subject:

It most certainly is tempting to do that but I’m a light sleeper and I also have to think of the driver next to me.

neil46 Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:53 pm Post subject:

over here we leave the engine running and the aircon on

Dont worry about the bloke next to you, because if it is that hot, he wont be able to sleep anyway :stuck_out_tongue: