Anyone recommend a good sleeping bag for nights out! ( don’t mean the ol slappers at truckstops ) mine has nylon type material and really uncomfortable in this warm weather, looking for a cotton type one instead, suggestions welcome!!
A quilt and sheet
A quilt and sheet
Quite right.
Double sized quilt folded in half
A quilt and sheetQuite right.
Another from me…
If you do insist on a sleepin bag, use it as a sheet
A quilt and sheetQuite right.
Same here or just the sheet in this weather
Never thought of the quilt option, thanks for the idea…
Never thought of the quilt option, thanks for the idea…
A lot better than a sleeping bag mate, more room to stick your legs out and you ain’t restricted with movement. I also find I sweat more in a bag,
Double duvet all the way! Stops it feeling like camping and like being in bed. Also more sofa like for the 45s and any other waiting about.
I haven’t had a sleeping bag since the boy scouts. Single sheet and duvet for me, easier to make, keep clean and much comfier
Nowt lately… 32.5 degrees today.
Also buy some memory foam from B+M if the mattress isn’t the best. Can get it cheap from there and you get a good nights kip laid on that.
Also buy some memory foam from B+M if the mattress isn’t the best. Can get it cheap from there and you get a good nights kip laid on that.
Not that I want any mattress to remember what I got up to but I agree a good memory foam topper and sheet and duvet is the way to go, first night out I had was a sleeping bag and never again.
Double sized quilt folded in half
It is the TOG factor.Double duvet for winter.For summer a lighter duvet.