
Morning all,

I found out about Skype just before Christmas and using it have spoken to pals in OZ and Spain for free, it’s saved me a fortune in phone bills. I thought there was a catch in it somewhere, but it’s worked for me and some friends OK… It seems to have endless possibilties for forum users.

My computing skills are very poor and being in my seventies I usually struggle with new systems but this is easy.

To help members it might be worth putting a link in the profile and on each post next to the PM and profile link.

Further links for Skype are: … _beta.html
(Video beta is solid, but needs Windows 2000 or XP).

Happy new year



Next to the Skype title it has got “moved”. Can somebody tell me what it means please?



It’s not really related to the proffesional drivers forum where it was originally posted so it’s been moved over by one of the admins to the software forum.

Thanks for that, I learn something every day.


I discovered Skype a couple of months ago Don but have not used it much as not many people I know are on it.
I agree that a means of registering Skype names in profiles would be useful, perhaps the same Admin will shift the thread again into Feedback :wink: :laughing:

Read my signature below to Skype me :wink:

Salut, David.

Yes i have it and it is pretty good. :wink:

MOVED mean’s that a MOD has placed it in the forum that it should be in,ie computing and software :wink:

I have used it for a year or so. I have a lot of freinds in different places and computer to computer is free both talking and writing. I bought a 10 euro skype out and after using it to call landlines in Poland and UK (I am in Denmark) for around 2.5 hours worth, still got just over 8 euro’s left in my account, I think its great.


yep im with skype i think its good but hardly use it. :confused:

I’ve had Skype for over a year myself and my wife has been using it to call family and friends in China. Skype to Skype calls are free and you only pay from pre-purchased credit for calls to other land lines or mobiles and those only at “local” rates. Aparently, the calls are sent via the internet to a site close to the call destination and only then routed through the local telephone system. My 10 euro credit (£6.70 ish) lasted for about six or seven hours worth of calls. Well worth investigating if you are likely to call abroad often.

I got the keys to my new house last week and am thinking of getting Skype is it just as good for local calls as it is for long distance and what is it like for 084 or 085 numbers youi know like insurance companies and amenities etc do you still pay the 10p a minute?.