Sky news comments

Take a look at this jerk on the Sky news comments/feedback about the fuel protest

His name is David Thompson from Basingstoke

His last comment about slowing down and sounding horns is particulary grown up

Unfortunately this is the kind of stupid, selfish, uneducated, ill informed idiot we are up against

:arrow_right: for one do NOT support this so-called fuel protest. These people represent an industry that has record for cutting corners on safety, has members that show contempt for the Highway Code and other road users. This is just a stunt by con artists. We the general public should stage our own protest. The next time you past a lorry parked up overnight, slow down and sound your horn as loud as possible and then drive off. Show the **** we will not be intimidated by them.

Posted by David Thompson from Basingstoke
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Now thats really growing up il find out where he parks and show him how to cut a corner up putting my axle wheel over his car if he done that :laughing:

Been watching sky this morning and didn’t hear that comment! but it just goes to prove that the handing in of petitions, and all that general bs is going to get everone absolutely knowhere!

Headlines of blockades, food and fuel running out are the ONLY thing that will get anyone anywhere, just look at what happened last time, and what happens in France.

Maybe the plum from Basingstoke is a city trader - living high on the hog from the ever rising price of oil?

:arrow: for one do NOT support this so-called fuel protest. These people represent an industry that has record for cutting corners on safety, has members that show contempt for the Highway Code and other road users. This is just a stunt by con artists. We the general public should stage our own protest. The next time you past a lorry parked up overnight, slow down and sound your horn as loud as possible and then drive off. Show the **** we will not be intimidated by them.

Posted by David Thompson from Basingstoke
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Now thats really growing up il find out where he parks and show him how to cut a corner up putting my axle wheel over his car if he done that :laughing:

i totally recent your comments dont tar eveyone with the same brush. and if you ever pulled up beside me and blew your horn while i was trying to sleep after doing a 15hr day i would find you and park outside your house alnight blowing mine :imp: :imp: :imp:

What seems to have gone over the heads of most normal people is that what the protesters are asking for won’t have any effect on fuels prices for the masses - just a refund of duty to ‘essential users’

…unless I’ve mis-understood the situation?

so why didnt the mods ban this member of the publics comments…do we really need them


:arrow: for one do NOT support this so-called fuel protest. These people represent an industry that has record for cutting corners on safety, has members that show contempt for the Highway Code and other road users. This is just a stunt by con artists. We the general public should stage our own protest. The next time you past a lorry parked up overnight, slow down and sound your horn as loud as possible and then drive off. Show the **** we will not be intimidated by them.

Posted by David Thompson from Basingstoke
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Now thats really growing up il find out where he parks and show him how to cut a corner up putting my axle wheel over his car if he done that :laughing:

i totally recent your comments dont tar eveyone with the same brush. and if you ever pulled up beside me and blew your horn while i was trying to sleep after doing a 15hr day i would find you and park outside your house alnight blowing mine :imp: :imp: :imp:

read the post again numpty i didnt type that i copied the comment from the link for every one to see then i posted my own little bit underneath…you really think me being a trucky would type that :open_mouth:

:arrow: for one do NOT support this so-called fuel protest. These people represent an industry that has record for cutting corners on safety, has members that show contempt for the Highway Code and other road users. This is just a stunt by con artists. We the general public should stage our own protest. The next time you past a lorry parked up overnight, slow down and sound your horn as loud as possible and then drive off. Show the **** we will not be intimidated by them.

Posted by David Thompson from Basingstoke
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Now thats really growing up il find out where he parks and show him how to cut a corner up putting my axle wheel over his car if he done that :laughing:

And what a ■■■■ David Thopson from Basingstoke is, I´ll stop just short of wishing him killed in a head on collision with an over tired lgv driver who has had a disturbed night because of his stupid comments. But maybe the result of what he has said may result in someone dying :imp: .

Don’t get wound up by the words of a misinformed knob head :laughing:


:arrow: for one do NOT support this so-called fuel protest. These people represent an industry that has record for cutting corners on safety, has members that show contempt for the Highway Code and other road users. This is just a stunt by con artists. We the general public should stage our own protest. The next time you past a lorry parked up overnight, slow down and sound your horn as loud as possible and then drive off. Show the **** we will not be intimidated by them.

Posted by David Thompson from Basingstoke
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Now thats really growing up il find out where he parks and show him how to cut a corner up putting my axle wheel over his car if he done that :laughing:

i totally recent your comments dont tar eveyone with the same brush. and if you ever pulled up beside me and blew your horn while i was trying to sleep after doing a 15hr day i would find you and park outside your house alnight blowing mine :imp: :imp: :imp:


He’s not actually David Thompson - he’s quoting what David Thompson (whoever that knobhead is!) said!

Good god - the sooner I get out of this dying industry the better!

SORRY MISS READ IT been another 15hrs ady dont think my eye are working right lol :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

SORRY MISS READ IT been another 15hrs ady dont think my eye are working right lol :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I apologise for my rudeness peteandbrenda when I called you a moron.

You’re maybe a wee bit of a numpty - but after a long 15 hour day that’s understandable!

Sorry again.

An industry known for cutting corners on safety…

How’s that? the amount of red tape that’s tangled around this job, it’s probably the most ‘safety-aware’ industry out there (to the point of being daft to be honest)

Disregarding the highway code… More like having an enhanced knowledge of it and obeying it at all times.

I like to refer to myself as a professional driver, this Thompson bloke sounds like a professional idiot (for want of a nastier word).

This bloke is probably the kind of person that ends up along the verge at the end of a sliproad after realising that his (insert numptys car) doesn’t give him right of way. Or maybe he’s the kind of person that zips up the left hand side of a left turning truck then wonders why his lane is getting narrower.

Disregarding the highway code… More like having an enhanced knowledge of it and obeying it at all times.

Do me a favour…


Disregarding the highway code… More like having an enhanced knowledge of it and obeying it at all times.

Do me a favour…

Well, okay. But you know what I mean.

Your average motorist isn’t even aware if they are contravening the highway code or not. At least when us lot do it, we usually know we’re doing it.