Saw one of these at a site I was delivering to in Cambridge yesterday, suppose I can see the point where there are so many bikes etc.
I’m not a fan. Erith and Mick George run quite a few. London and Cambridge being the pushbike capitals of England.
it doesn’t have the jangly chains to put the fear of god into you, the dreaded noise that you are likely to be passed by a a complete numpty, the experienced dismount and hide in the hedgerow.
Saw one of these at a site I was delivering to in Cambridge yesterday, suppose I can see the point where there are so many bikes etc.
That cab belongs on one type of truck and one type on DUSTCART ! with all other type of body it just looks plain odd
blue estate:
Saw one of these at a site I was delivering to in Cambridge yesterday, suppose I can see the point where there are so many bikes etc.That cab belongs on one type of truck and one type on DUSTCART ! with all other type of body it just looks plain odd
My thoughts exactly, personally I’d feel a bit too on display in one of those
Seen these cabs after a fire, nothing left of them.
Wouldn’t feel safe if involved in a accident.
Seen these cabs after a fire, nothing left of them.
Wouldn’t feel safe if involved in a accident.
I’ve seen a few “standard” cabs after a fire Charlie, nowt left of them either! Tbh if flames were tickling my testicles I’d probably be thinking along the lines of reaching for the door handle regardless of the cab design.
Was thinking more about the amount of metal around the driver.
Seems to be very vulnerable in a collision.
Was thinking more about the amount of metal around the driver.
Seems to be very vulnerable in a collision.
Only if you hit something.
Was thinking more about the amount of metal around the driver.
Seems to be very vulnerable in a collision.Only if you hit something.
No worse than Bedford TK’s and Ford D series etc really, or busses/coaches.
Handy for growing tomatoes in …
I’d rather have this as a day cab
Tbf i think it actually looks ok and as a skip truck with most likely a lot of suburban work probably ideal what with the driver constantly in and out of the cab all day…
Good design for urban work, horses for courses really.