Skip driver

Last time i came on here i was going through a rough patch. Being in a job i hated and i failing my c+e 3 times!!! But being 25 and that stressed with my job i wasnt sleeping and i was seeing that as get of jail card, because i hadnt opened my eyes to other cat c work. Day after i walked out my last job i started 18t skip driveing. Been doin it now for nearly 3 months, i enjoy it loads less stress… Wanted to see what experiances people have had with skip driveing? I eventuly want to drive 8 wheel roro what ny firm runs… Whats that like :smiley:

I run skip. LF daf 220. doing from 6 to 12 a day. Love it every day. Also in a future i will be able to upgrade to roro, grab, tipper and artic tipper.

Apart from some dust i like it.

Best cat c job I had, every job is different! It’s a challenge aswell!

Sort the drivers out from the screw drivers :wink:

Dan ze Man:
I run skip. LF daf 220. doing from 6 to 12 a day. Love it every day. Also in a future i will be able to upgrade to roro, grab, tipper and artic tipper.

Apart from some dust i like it.

Im in a 14 plate daf lf i like it… Feels like its go no guts though… Other waggon i have dorive is one of our old 08 volvos wat a peice of crap they are lol… I wana do the roro for sure. We dont have grab or artic. Just wagon n drag roro. I useualy average 6-8 skips a day is better thafmn 20 drops on multi drop lol