Do you put on sun cream or sunblock while driving? Nope, neither did I, but perhaps you should think about it.

We all have the brown arm and a lot of us older drivers have half a brown face too especially if you have done extended for many years, a friend of mine with almost 40 years of driving trucks recently discovered a mole on the right side of his face and went to have it checked out, he said it had been itching for ages but he kept scratching it off and it kept coming back - yes it was skin cancer and according to his specialist it is very common amongst drivers, behind the glass in the sun is perfect for a tan, the sun even in winter brings on brown arm after a few years in the saddle, my mate is going to be okay but a bloody big scar on his face with umpteen stitches in it is no joke.

Big tough lorry drivers wearing sun cream? Maybe you should give it some thought!

I never wear sun screen when driving but it makes you think. It is a common fallacy that you cannot tan, or burn, through glass, you can it just takes longer than when the glass isn’t there.

So long as you look at the ingredients and choose one that doesn’t contain aluminium…

So long as you look at the ingredients and choose one that doesn’t contain aluminium…

So what you’re saying is you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

It seems these days everything is bad for us and we should just all lay down and wait for death. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

i understand what the op is saying about the brown arm thing but heres food for thought, i,ve had my right arm out of the window for the last 20 odd years while driving and i then get a mole which turns out to be skin cancer at the top of my left arm on a bit that never see,s the light of day, its not just the obvious places you have to watch for it , if in doubt get it checked out!

Have had three “itchy” mole`s removed, one on my right forearm which was more like a wart than a mole and only used to come up in the summer months when my arm got brown and two were from my stomach. Two including the one on my arm were ok just abit unusual but the third had some “precancerous cells” so I had to go back for the doc to “core out” a big and deeper area surrounding the original mole!! :open_mouth:

so I had to go back for the doc to “core out” a big and deeper area surrounding the original mole!! :open_mouth:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: See it’s when I read things like that I decide that itchy mole which has appeared on my right leg in the last few months isn’t so annoying after all and it’s not worth troubling the doctor about.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: See it’s when I read things like that I decide that itchy mole which has appeared on my right leg in the last few months isn’t so annoying after all and it’s not worth troubling the doctor about.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: …stop being a wuss, it doesnt hurt THAT much…not at first anyway!!!1 :laughing: :laughing: :wink:


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: See it’s when I read things like that I decide that itchy mole which has appeared on my right leg in the last few months isn’t so annoying after all and it’s not worth troubling the doctor about.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: …stop being a wuss, it doesnt hurt THAT much…not at first anyway!!!1 :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: No, you’re okay, I am more than happy being a wuss.

I had an “itchy” mole on my face at the top of my nose, didn’t go to the doctor about it. left it for a few months, then while visiting the doctor about something else, just mentioned it to him. Sent my to the hospital there and then, who did a biopsy, and decided it was cancerous. was taken into hospital the following week where they had to put my out, operate for 2 hours to remove it, and replace skin from my forehead to cover the scar. look closely you can still see the scars. Doctor who operated said that it had begun to eat away the flesh behind my eye, got no tear duct in my left eye now, if i had waited any longer I would have lost my eye!
Since then I’ve had cancerous cells removed from my back, neck, thigh and ear. all unconnected, just unlucky with my skin type. so now, any mole that changes shape, colour, size or starts to itch, i have to visit the doc straight away.
I believe my mistake was when i had my first foreign holiday. i was about 16 and went to Cyprus for 2 weeks, no sun cream then, all day shirtless, got burnt badly!
Moral of this is, DONT THINK IT WILL GO AWAY! have it checked out, better to have the doc tell you that you are ok, than to leave it until it’s too late!

I’m not due back at the Doc until 2015, I only go once every 5 years now and I’ve only been twice since 1987, so I’ll get him to check it then. I don’t want any of that stuff done that Bullit mentioned under any circumstances.

I’m not due back at the Doc until 2015, I only go once every 5 years now and I’ve only been twice since 1987, so I’ll get him to check it then. I don’t want any of that stuff done that Bullit mentioned under any circumstances.

joking aside mate if its as you say then get it checked, when i had my 1st one they removed the mole but as it was a very nasty one they went back and cut away the whole of the origanol scar and dug down a bit, the result was a scar that nearly went all the way round the top of my arm, i look at it now and smile, the red line looks better than what would have been there if it hadnt been treated


I’m not due back at the Doc until 2015, I only go once every 5 years now and I’ve only been twice since 1987, so I’ll get him to check it then. I don’t want any of that stuff done that Bullit mentioned under any circumstances.

joking aside mate if its as you say then get it checked, when i had my 1st one they removed the mole but as it was a very nasty one they went back and cut away the whole of the origanol scar and dug down a bit, the result was a scar that nearly went all the way round the top of my arm, i look at it now and smile, the red line looks better than what would have been there if it hadnt been treated

Sorry for the late reply, I forgot about this thread.

I appreciate your concern but to be honest I am not that bothered, and I only think about it now and again when it is particularly itchy… I don’t do doctors, hospitals and the like and just live by whatever will be will be. I’m glad yours worked out though.