Six days...... come on

Well seeing as how most participants in this thread are the most guilty of posting simply to get a critical response, I guess you answered your own question as to why the quality of this forum has dropped - look in the mirror because the problem is you

Well seeing as how most participants in this thread are the most guilty of posting simply to get a critical response, I guess you answered your own question as to why the quality of this forum has dropped - look in the mirror because the problem is you

It cant be me… :open_mouth: I couldn’t post rubbish if I wanted, all my posts are vetted by the mods…

To add to the discussion, not just to have a go ( I couldn’t if I wanted too :wink: ).
I do think that a lot of contributors have gone, some good, some “disruptive”, some plain bonkers, but all with a certain personality, who brought either deb6ate or humor to the forum. There seemed to be a healthy mix of robust humor and some Micky taking, much representative of Truckers life as we all know it. Indeed, the forum subtitle says it, “By drivers, for drivers”. Some of that seems to have gone.

Being moderated also limits how much you can say.
There is no point typing out any type of coherence only for it to be deleted.

Free speech for everyone who agree with the narrative.

Have been driving HGV’s 43 years and have never known so much misinformation and myths on this site so i don’t waste time getting into a prolonged thread arguing the toss. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

If you’ve done this for 43 years you should know as well as I do the nature of the driver.
Truckers are absolute specialists in myths misinformation and coming out with absolute verbal diarrhoea…aka 'Drivercrap ’ :bulb:
Just earwig in to groups in rdc s, cafes, truckstops, ferries and pubs, so how is a forum dedicated to them going to be any different exactly? :smiley:

Well seeing as how most participants in this thread are the most guilty of posting simply to get a critical response, I guess you answered your own question as to why the quality of this forum has dropped - look in the mirror because the problem is you

Without sounding like some kind of Radio 4 type up their own arse intellectual here, :blush: :smiley:
Is ‘‘Posting on a forum to get a critical response’’ as you say, not all part of the standard process of discussion and debate? , said and done in order to add to that debate, and maintain the flow of the conversation, in order to perpetuate the thread subject?
Ok I know we ain’t professors discussing Einsteins law of relativity, but truckers discussing which is the best sat nav, :unamused: … but the principle is the same is it not?

I still say that most of those who are ‘‘guilty’’ of the above are on pre mod because of it or similar, imo for what that is worth, is counter productive to the flow of the forum, which kinda proves the o/p’s point I reckon as to how the ‘traffic’ has decreased, and how much of the subject matter has become basically mundane ‘sat nav’, ‘stobart’ type cack.

The elephant in the room between us Rikki is we both know that you have ‘‘yellow carded’’ me in the past also, so I may be on dodgy ground here, but if speaking out in a constructive non belligerent way is deemed a reason for forum moderation, so be it, it’s your football that we are all kicking about here.

So you mention the ones we’ve discussed, what is your opinion on the ones who habitually put stuff out there under various names (yeh I know, it’s all in the rules) for the one and ONLY reason to bait, ridicule, insult and wind up other members, by posting obvious fantasy events that he/they have supposed to have come across, with the usual belligerent insult to drivers in general added to the end of the post like a sting in the tail :unamused: just intended to spark off a pointless argument, resulting in back and forth ‘‘insult tennis’’ .
One of them openly appealed to the mods to put me and another member of whom I have no connection, on pre mod the other day ffs ! :smiley: because we ‘dared’ to pint out he makes exactly the same posts under his other I.d. :unamused:

Ok, the bleeding obvious (and standard answer) is ‘‘ignore them, put them on your ignore list’’ and all the rest of it, and that’s fair enough, but those who have not, and have made a point of criticising them are also either threatened or put on pre.mod along WITH the ones who started it all, instead of just binning the instigators… :open_mouth:

Like I said Rikki, your ball, your trainset and all the rest of it, with the caviat attached saying ‘‘Well if you don’t like it, go on facebook or another forum’’ but maybe things would run smoother if some of the rules were looked at …just saying.

I’m not taking this too seriously btw, I know it ain’t real life, just a forum etc and all the rest of it, but it’s a forum many of us enjoy, which is being consciously and intentionally attempted to be spoiled by mischief makers with nowt to do…THEY are the ones who should ■■■■ off to Facebook, not the ones who add to it in the right and intended spirit like a few banned members I could mention, one of them being not the sharpest knife in the box, but brings the comedy value, another being one who knows it all but adds to it, and another two who bring some good content to the table, although one of em can be a bit tactless :smiley: , it’s like what makes a good pub… characters, without them same pub is average, and usually empty. :bulb: .
Cheers Rikki.
(Ok, after reading that back, maybe I am taking it far too seriously after all :blush: :laughing: )

you answered your own question as to why the quality of this forum has dropped - look in the mirror because the problem is you

Pretty typical answer there, and what we’ve come to expect from those in charge of running this forum.
From what I’ve noticed over the past 3 or 4 years on here, trolls come in with clear intentions to stir up trouble yet you and the mods gave it “they arent breaking forum rules” and the place decended into a farce, especially when it was those calling the trolls and multiple ID brigade out who were getting the nightstick treatment with the sarky and condescending comments from the mods yet the trolls were left to run amok. Then when it got so bad something had to be done, you placed the blame lay squarely at the feet of the members whilst the mods and admin team were completely blameless for the gigantic mess.

Not my train set any more - so free to tell it as I see it and yes most of the “regulars” are the problem as I said if you want to know why the quality is going down look in the mirror simple as that

Away Rikki man, just repeating an ambiguous statement does not make it any clearer.
How are ‘the regulars’ the problem of an obvious drop in forum traffic in your opinion?
Surely the banning (or moderation) is more the reason for this, being as these guys were regular posters on the forum, who can no longer readily post.
The regulars perceived part in the perceived problem is surely more a reaction to those who instigate the problem, rather than the cause, or am I missing something?

Away Rikki man, just repeating an ambiguous statement does not make it any clearer.
How are ‘the regulars’ the problem of an obvious drop in forum traffic in your opinion?
Surely the banning (or moderation) is more the reason for this, being as these guys were regular posters on the forum, who can no longer readily post.
The regulars perceived part in the perceived problem is surely more a reaction to those who instigate the problem, rather than the cause, or am I missing something?

Too many long words, I Lost interest after the first 5, which I have to say is a record because most of your input I lose interest far sooner.


Away Rikki man, just repeating an ambiguous statement does not make it any clearer.
How are ‘the regulars’ the problem of an obvious drop in forum traffic in your opinion?
Surely the banning (or moderation) is more the reason for this, being as these guys were regular posters on the forum, who can no longer readily post.
The regulars perceived part in the perceived problem is surely more a reaction to those who instigate the problem, rather than the cause, or am I missing something?

Too many long words, I Lost interest after the first 5, which I have to say is a record because most of your input I lose interest far sooner.

Really?? :neutral_face:
Ok, fair enough, I see what you mean now about posting solely for a critical response.
Well illustrated…(or should I say pointed out)
Let’s just end it there eh?

Too many long words, I Lost interest after the first 5, which I have to say is a record because most of your input I lose interest far sooner.

Your last two replies here are exactly what I was talking about.


Too many long words, I Lost interest after the first 5, which I have to say is a record because most of your input I lose interest far sooner.

Your last two replies here are exactly what I was talking about.

Got to say, I did expect better from the manager of a forum on a valid feedback issue on said forum :open_mouth: …but hey, there you go eh . :neutral_face:


Away Rikki man, just repeating an ambiguous statement does not make it any clearer.
How are ‘the regulars’ the problem of an obvious drop in forum traffic in your opinion?
Surely the banning (or moderation) is more the reason for this, being as these guys were regular posters on the forum, who can no longer readily post.
The regulars perceived part in the perceived problem is surely more a reaction to those who instigate the problem, rather than the cause, or am I missing something?

Too many long words, I Lost interest after the first 5, which I have to say is a record because most of your input I lose interest far sooner.

Nowt wrong with using long words, always assuming you know what they mean and the correct context in which to use them eh? :blush: :wink:
Hilda Ogden and her " muriel " on the wall spring to mind :blush: :laughing:
Regards John.

Not my train set any more - so free to tell it as I see it and yes most of the “regulars” are the problem as I said if you want to know why the quality is going down look in the mirror simple as that

OK, so what are the regulars meant to think about that then - perhaps if all us regulars decide not to post for a month, what would the forum look like?

Bit disappointed tbh - I’ve always thought rightly or wrongly that the mods did a reasonable job especially albion, reef and dave.

The multiple user name brigade and the outright prats shouldn’t be allowed access - they bring nothing to the table - maybe if the mods stopped these planks then the forum would be a better place and the “regulars” not being goaded into stuff they wouldn’t normally do or say.

Maybe, just maybe, some of the old guard would return - the guys and gals who have got tired of the site?

So in summary. Rikki if things aren’t so great maybe look to see what you can do to help for the forums sake and not blame the participants for everything.

Change the forum rules - indeed why don’t you put some of the contended rules to a vote - it is our forum after all in a way.

Wow! My ghast is well and truly flabbered!

Got to say, I did expect better from the manager of a forum on a valid feedback issue on said forum :open_mouth: …but hey, there you go eh . :neutral_face:

I think you will find that Deisel dave has been the forum manager for quite a long time now- but there you go eh :slight_smile:


Got to say, I did expect better from the manager of a forum on a valid feedback issue on said forum :open_mouth: …but hey, there you go eh . :neutral_face:

I think you will find that Deisel dave has been the forum manager for quite a long time now- but there you go eh :slight_smile:

Ah well,.at least we know what we are going to get with Dave when you ask a constructive question on here, politeness, diplomacy and tact pertaining to his position on the site.
(A bit like we knew the type of answer we would get back from you Rikki…but only different.)
Thanks for letting me know anyway.

What happened to the last post on here ? I just popped back in to see what form the next post would take and found it was gone !!
Regards John.

old 67:
What happened to the last post on here ? I just popped back in to see what form the next post would take and found it was gone !!
Regards John.

I screenshotted it and have it saved :smiley: . I did think “ouch!” when I read it :astonished: and was expecting some fireworks this morning so am left a bit disappointed now :frowning: . The post should have been left in place as it was accurate and summed up the problem with this site in one.