Site was not working

Were there others like me who had the site down from yesterday evening until late this morning :question:

Yep , looks like no one put a shilling in the meter

Yep, reported it

Yes, there was a problem with TN which began yesterday (Xmas Day.)

The Tech Team were informed and the necessary repairs have been carried out, the fix being made today (Boxing Day.)

I’d like to thank everybody who reported it, and also to propose a vote of thanks to the Tech Team who got this sorted for us in double quick time overnight on a very special day in the year.


Here here [emoji106]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Even … ‘hear hear’ i missed not getting my fix :slight_smile:

Thank You Tech Team, we don’t know what we do without you. :smiley:

Had a Post on the forum a few days ago saying I couldn’t post a message , Coming up with “General Error” Had same message last night, when trying to get on the site, I thought it was just me, Relief this morning when I tried and it was back to normal.
It just shows how we rely on it.

I’d like to thank everybody who reported it, and also to propose a vote of thanks to the Tech Team who got this sorted for us in double quick time overnight on a very special day in the year.

Yeah thanks Tech Team for trying to save the Forum Manager’s bacon, sadly even if it is too late.
The poor bloke, he’s only been in the job a few months… :cry:


I’d like to thank everybody who reported it, and also to propose a vote of thanks to the Tech Team who got this sorted for us in double quick time overnight on a very special day in the year.

Yeah thanks Tech Team for trying to save the Forum Manager’s bacon, sadly even if it is too late.
The poor bloke, he’s only been in the job a few months… :cry:

The forum manager doesn’t have access to the server, and wouldn’t know what to do to fix the kind of problem that there was even if he did. :smiley:

My solar powered abacus was of no help in translating the teccy language that was flying about once I’d reported it upstairs, so I’m none the wiser. All I know is that it’s all fixed now.

If you honestly thought I’d know anything technical, it’s probably a sign that you’ve had too much sherry. :laughing: :laughing: :wink: :grimacing:


No trifle, or even a liqueur chocolate as yet, I’ve got plans later…
And I wouldn’t worry about what the Tech’s were saying, probably only arguing about who used the sandwich toaster and unplugged the router.
Or maybe who forgot to feed the hamster powering the whole operation… :laughing: