Silverstone! on or off, or on again

Due to internal squabbling, there is still some doubt as to whether Silverstone will happen again.

Bernie Ecclestone has said he will rip up the 5 year contract, but there will not be another one.

The BDRDC have sacked the man responsible for getting the F1 race back on track, (so to speak) and Jackie Stewart has been talking about some alternative series to F1

Hopefully Jackie Stewart will be out of work by the end of the week

Just put the bloody race somewhere else in Europe and take a few pennies out of Mr, greedy arses pocket, motor racing is rapidly becoming more like most others sports its all about money and nothing else.

watch the W.R.C. :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

Just put the bloody race somewhere else in Europe and take a few pennies out of Mr, greedy arses pocket, motor racing is rapidly becoming more like most others sports its all about money and nothing else.

You could put the race anywhere in Europe, except it is the British Grand Prix

Other countries in Europe have GP races and they call them things like the German Grand Prix and the French Grand Prix

used to love watching the races, but are they races any more , dont u just get sick of watching the same faces winning time and again.formula 1 gp,s are so bloody boring now i dont bother a shame as i used to enjoy v,much.
so if silverstone lost them it would be no great shame (to me). bring on the rally,s much more enjoyable these days… :wink: