Silverstone ! it's a disgrace


From what I have heard on the BBC and through Planet F1 he has axed the British GP over 1.5 million :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

That little rat has more money than BRDC will ever dream of. Silverstone is the world wide home of F1, to end the greatest British sporting event just through his arrogance is discusting. Some companies, bars and hotels in south Northants and north Oxfordshire survive only because of that race, south Northants alone stands to loose over 40 million pounds in profits alone and god knows how many people will be out of work :question:
Does he actually know that 8 out of the 12 teams are actually based in the UK :question:
BAR, Jordan, Williams, Jaguar and McLaren have bases close by and use Silverstone as a test track :exclamation:

Jordan is actually based on the circuit :exclamation: :exclamation:

It/s time the fans stood up to this bloodsucking ferret :angry: :angry: :angry:

I agree mate, Bernie is going to kill F1 very soon at this rate, he has become too greedy, the way the sport is going there will be 4 teams with 5 cars each!.

I used to love my F1 but its just becoming a farce now with rule changes it seems every other race, something needs to be done to change it and the first thing on my list would be kicking out Mr Ecclestone!
:angry: :exclamation:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: pat i am so surprised that when i got home on monday night and had a quick flick through here that you had not already posted about this mate :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: especially as that is all i read last week up at daventry in their local paper…but everything you have said is spot on mate :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It’s not just the money, it’s the fact that there are countries out there spending millions on new circuits (such as China, Malaysia, etc) and we’re spending sod all on Silverstone. There are only a limited number of slots in any year, and although I think it’s sad Silverstone won’t have a GP, we can’t just sit on our backsides and assume that somehow we have a right to it.


Thats true

Not spending “sod all” on silverstone■■? I guess building a new highway system is cheap in the UK then? :unamused: Fact is… Britain is the home of formula one… teams are based in Britain, vast majority of those employed by formula one are British… and consideration should be given to silverstone simply on the basis of its history. And its already one of the most expensive grand prix’s on the calendar.

Its very simple… and Ecclestone said it himself… he wants 15 million pounds more from silverstone in his OWN pocket… he said… “There’s a product here that’s for sale,” he said. “If I walk into a shop and I don’t want to pay what they’re asking I can’t say it’s their greed because I couldn’t afford it.” (

He can’t make a statement like that and then claim that its because of faults with the circuit. The circuit has been there for years… now all of a sudden the design is wrong? Seems to me he’s purposely making it unaffordable for Silverstone just so he has an excuse to cancel it.

Keep an eye on the news Pat,it looks like Nigel Mansell and some of his mates are putting some sort of deal together to save the race.I just hope they sort it out soon though…

Good old Nige :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: RED 5 COME ALIVE :laughing:

Kate Hasler:
Not spending “sod all” on silverstone■■?

The road improvements at Silverstone cost 225,000quid, and were paid for by Silverstone circuit itself (source: BBC NEWS | UK | England | Northamptonshire | Silverstone road works to begin). The new circuit in China cost 133 MILLION quid (source: I think it’s fair to say that sod all has been spent on Silverstone in comparison.

Kate Hasler:
The circuit has been there for years… now all of a sudden the design is wrong?

As you say, nothing has changed. This is precisely the reason it is wrong. Other circuits have come on in leaps and bounds in terms of the circuit, the safety features and the facilities for the teams, drivers and spectators. Silverstone has just sat still and assumed that just cos it had the first grand prix ever that it has some God given right to one for evermore. The BRDC have known for a lot of years now that there has been a risk of the British GP being axed due to Silverstone being out of date and however hard they’ve tried, they’ve not really suceeded in getting the money to improve it.

One thought I did have was that if the local economy will really benefit by 30 million quid from the GP (source: BBC NEWS | England | Northamptonshire | GP decision final says Ecclestone) then perhaps the local economy should be putting a few quid in to secure the race.


The drivers could stop this, the fact is Silverstone provides a damned good race, money dont provide that, stuff the luxury boxes for the fat cats! The drivers like the circuit, it’s a great track and they could threaten to boycott the ones that give dull procession type races, regardless of the “facilities”.

Ecclestone is a power mad little ■■■■■■■ weasel with too much money, but wanting more just like Pat says, he is the problem.

Money, makes me bleedin sick, it ruins most everything it touches!

Ecclestone is a power mad little ■■■■■■■ weasel with too much money, but wanting more just like Pat says, he is the problem.

Money, makes me bleedin sick, it ruins most everything it touches!

Here Here I couldnt agree more :angry:

I just read on that a new team “Midland F1” will loing the line up in 2006 and will of course be based in England :exclamation:

Ecclestone wants 15 million and some posher stands at Silverstone, saying they need to cough up. Silverstone Circuit and the BRDC paid for the inner track and the new grandstands and pits etc at Indianapolis for him, why didn’t the little miser dish some of his own vast fortune out :question:

This is all because he looses tabacco advertising at the British GP, thats why he axed the Canadian GP last year, the re-enstated it after the city of Montreal paid him the funds instead. :exclamation:

It all boils down to him being a miserly little runt :angry:

Pat Hasler:
It all boils down to him being a miserly little runt :angry:

Or a businessman, as they’re also known :wink:

Although I don’t really like him either, he has a product to sell and I don’t really blame him for trying to get the best possible price for it. Unfortunately for everyone else he effectively has a monopoly on his product so there’s no competition to keep the prices down.


Or a businessman, as they’re also known

Although I don’t really like him either, he has a product to sell and I don’t really blame him for trying to get the best possible price for it. Unfortunately for everyone else he effectively has a monopoly on his product so there’s no competition to keep the prices down.

This is a big part of what is wrong in the world. People dont seem to care that “businessmen” like ecclestone are really just twisters, and even worse in his case, with a monopoly!

Do you really respect this type of trait in people Paul? Or, have you just given up on decency like a majority of people seem to have done in recent years, and in consequence believe everything is ok as long as a big profit is made? … 5127888055

:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

And another point in Silverstone’s favour is that the qualifying is unlikely to have to be postponed due to a typhoon. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:


:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

What a surprise, nobody put a bid on it…

Do you really respect this type of trait in people Paul? Or, have you just given up on decency like a majority of people seem to have done in recent years, and in consequence believe everything is ok as long as a big profit is made?

Not at all. I don’t like him and I don’t think it’s right, but unfortunately that is how it is and there’s not a right lot we can do about it other than find some more $ to throw at him (and perhaps some bricks).



:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: did you post that on ebay Simon :question: