Silly season

Put this thread where you will, but i had to write it cos im so angry..i am not a racialist but i got incenced when i read about the silly burgers who have banned Santas grotto from a lot of areas in britain in case it upsets the ethnic majority…well it is rubbing off in the schools too…in my daughters school they have banned the word christmas, and abandoned the traditional xmas play, and traditional carol concert, instead it will be an african based play singing songs from the jungle with words no one understands…they have a display of Islam based material including the book of the Koran and 2 tables depicting the life of Islam…no mention or sign of the bible, a few parents have ganged up on the head mistress to voice their dissaproval and told her that their children will not be encouraged to partake in celebrations of other foreign festivals such as Diwali, Ramadan, or the Chinese new year, i mix well with other nationalities, but i believe that this is a christian country and we shouldnt have to change our traditions in case we upset our guests that chose to come here to live in the first place…when in rome etc…and a final question that we all ask…would we be allowed to build a christian church in an islamic state ? no arguement really
have a nice day and a merry xmas

i cant believe it !! what`s it coming to when christmas is basically banned?

if it`s offensive to ethnic minorities then i find it offensive that my 4 year old lad came home from school 2 days ago with his hand painted and a card he made saying “eid mubarak” which i looked up and found to mean:-

Definition: A phrase of greetings said among Muslims to congratulate each other on holidays. It literally means, “Blessed Festival!” The appropriate answer is, “Allah yubarak feek!” (May Allah bless it for you also!)

he made a great job of the card :wink: but i dont think kids (or any one else for that matter) should be forced to indulge in something that isn`t anything to do with thier own religion.(unless of course they decide for themselves when they are old enough to).

if i tell his head teacher that i dont want him involving in ramadam or any other muslim holiday celebrations whos going to be the big bad racist? the one that shouldn`t be offended even though they are offended by the word christmas?!!

thats right,ME :open_mouth:

Already been discussed…

I was disgusted at it.
Also on a similar note Leicester county coucil have said fireworks can not be used after 11pm on Bonfire nigh however anyone celebrating Diwali or Chinese new year can use them up until 1 am, i am starting to feel like an ethnic minority myself in this country./…

Just as another excellent example of the way this country is going, did you know that it is now strictly against Health & Safety rules for school kids to play conkers without wearing safety googles ? I kid you not.

No mention of a hi-viz and a hard hat yet though, which of course protect you from ANY form of danger, even radioactive materials. There’s still time however…

when i spoke to some mothers this afternoon to ask about how the meeting went with the of them told me that the H/M had said well jesus is black anyway…the mother said, i think that you better read up on the bible cos the last time i read said that jesus was born in bethlehem..which makes him jewish..and white..and that is why we christians celebrate xmas..cos its his birthday..and for good measure easter is to celebrate his you better get some more education yourself instead of ramming down our childrens throats the message of islam..and other such religions except our own, and while your at it take my children out of the school play cos its not about the christian festival of xmas…good luck to her…and there will be a few more parents complaining in the near future…by the way the head is white and a christian…
have a nice day

She may be white and christian Truckboy but she is also a sell out just like most of the liberal sados in our education system and governemnt come to that, :imp: that is why so many council offices don’t fly the union jack!! :smiling_imp:

It’s also why we don’t get the chance to celebrate St. Georges day and why most of the Labour party members have been up in arms about the Navy marking the defeat of the Spannish armarda with a floatilla, the Spannish have offered to send a couple of war ships to take part in it, but it’s being patriotic and we can’t have that now can we. :confused:

(Views expressed in this message are that of the majority of British people and not necessarily of TruckNet)…just in case :wink:

how sad is it that schools are deciding that our kids can’t celebrate xmas in there own school.if these people want to come here then fine,i ain’t got a problem with it,but don’t expect us to change our way of life to suit your life and religious beliefs.remember it’s you’s that came here,don’t like it then tough :wink:

Well truckyboy… I can see why you may have felt annoyed by the policies of the teachers in your child’s school, but I would rather that my daughter was aware of all cultures in her community to be honest with you. If your child is a Christian and has been brought up in that faith, then I would hope that your and your faith’s influence would be enough to guide her through the various festivals of different faiths. If our children are really of any faith they should embrace other faiths as cultural learning. Furthermore, if you go to church all year round and raise your offspring as Christian, a wobbly assembly play of the nativity doen’t mean much does it?
Fact is… hardly anyone goes to church anymore, hardly anyone practices the values of Christianity. At least, those who we despise for taking up the culture of our (cough) great nation, practice their faiths EVERYDAY! Practice what you preach is what I say!

how sad is it that schools are deciding that our kids can’t celebrate xmas in there own school.if these people want to come here then fine,i ain’t got a problem with it,but don’t expect us to change our way of life to suit your life and religious beliefs.remember it’s you’s that came here,don’t like it then tough :wink:


If your child does have a traditional christmas play at school that you can go and watch don’t take your camera or video recorder because you will be banned from using them :cry:
most schols have banned parents from taking pics ect in case they end up in the wrong hands.


Would the last indigenous person leaving this country please turn off the lights?..

mrs mix:
If your child does have a traditional christmas play at school that you can go and watch don’t take your camera or video recorder because you will be banned from using them :cry:
most schols have banned parents from taking pics ect in case they end up in the wrong hands.


My son will be playing Joseph this year in the school nativity play, cameras have not been banned from the school and in fact are encouraged as it encourages the children, if they did not have a nativity due to ethnic minortiies or banned cameras he would quite simply not be going back to that school.

Tel if you read the thread properly you will have read that i am not against teaching my child about the various religions available in schools today…but to have the Koran on display…and not a bible in sight is going against our own beliefs…now i am not a church goer except for weddings and funerals…and the xmas carol service( which gives free wine at the end) i dont know of any child that does not look forward to December 25th with great joy except ethnic minorities who do not partake in this festival…offices and companies up and down the country celebrate with the traditional xmas party…transport companies give their staff…and customers a gift…its about celebrating…and a lot of schools do not allow the pupils to forget the traditional activity that we all have enjoyed since we too were kids…all i was asking for was a nativity play and to be able to sing carols that we all love to hear…and i dont want this great traditional xmas spirit to dissapear and be over taken by Ramadan, Diwali, etc in place of our own traditions…i love xmas, and everything that goes with it, the only downside is the cost…but xmas morning gives us so much pleisure, for it is a far greater pleisure to give than to receive…and dont forget my xmas card :laughing:
have a nice day…see ya at midnight mass

Why is it always the wet, liberal, loony (extreemist) left that take offence to these traditions? You never hear from the muslims, jews, hindu’s compaining about these things, they dont, they understand its apart of tradition, a fine example of british tradition, of christianity.

Peace and god will to all men - how can they find that offensive, unless they dont want peace & goodwill?

Anyone would think they are trying to get rid of all identity (congratulations to the north by the way Prescott & Blair must be heartbrokenn :laughing: :laughing: ) so its easier to get sucked into europe.

mrs mix:
most schols have banned parents from taking pics ect in case they end up in the wrong hands.pam

True, but have you seen the kind of collections built up by Child ■■■ abusers ?. Sadly I have & many of the images are of what we would term innocent images.
I know you cannot regulate to protect from the basest interests, but add to the above some children in each & every school will be covered for one reason or another by court orders & these can & often do cover protection of identity & other such restrictions, which could put schools into a contempt of court situation.
When I worked at a children’s home in the 80’s photography had to be stopped at local schools for this very reason, as many of our children were in need of protection.

Already been discussed…

I was disgusted at it.
Also on a similar note Leicester county coucil have said fireworks can not be used after 11pm on Bonfire nigh however anyone celebrating Diwali or Chinese new year can use them up until 1 am, i am starting to feel like an ethnic minority myself in this country./…

Any white person who lives in Leicester is an ethnic minority :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Pat Hasler:
Any white person who lives in Leicester is an ethnic minority :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I live very close to a driving test centre & at times you feel like a minority if you don’t have L plates on & do 3 poi…sorry turns in the road using forward & reverse gears.

Would the last indigenous person leaving this country please turn off the lights?..

that would be the Neolithic people wouldn’t it :question: :wink:

[ZB] Beaker people. Celts, Romans, Saxons, Normans , & Vikings coming over here and stealing our Jobs :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Pat Hasler:

Already been discussed…

I was disgusted at it.
Also on a similar note Leicester county coucil have said fireworks can not be used after 11pm on Bonfire nigh however anyone celebrating Diwali or Chinese new year can use them up until 1 am, i am starting to feel like an ethnic minority myself in this country./…

Any white person who lives in Leicester is an ethnic minority :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Now you know why I got the hell out of Dodge…lol


Denis F:

Would the last indigenous person leaving this country please turn off the lights?..

that would be the Neolithic people wouldn’t it :question: :wink:

[ZB] Beaker people. Celts, Romans, Saxons, Normans , & Vikings coming over here and stealing our Jobs :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

what word was in front of beaker?? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: