Signing ,off duty

When finished my days work,Im required to empty the combies,diesel up fridge and trailer,and bring unit to wash(and possibly garage). Then drop trailer in yard and bring unit to ■■■■■■■■■■■■. All the time(unlike some of my colleagues),digicard stays in obviously,because Im still working.
When I reverse into spot,andbrake on,the tacho reverts automatically to “other work”.
Before I eject the card,is there a need to change the mode to rest?As I will be off duty,NO OTHER WORK,until my next shift.
Obviously for the last five years I havent worked straight through,without a break,however,I also avent been signing off,on sleep.Is it an offence?

I always leave mine on other work before ejecting the card as I am not going straight onto rest, I have to return keys to the office and so on. Next shift I make a manual entry to cover that period and then confirm that time as the end of the shift. I also make a manual entry to cover the time from arriving in work to getting to the vehicle and inserting the card. If an agency driver has used the vehicle and left the tacho on rest I always change it back to other work before inserting my card.

Even if you are not making manual entries you must be confirming the last card ejection time as the end of the shift when you next insert the card, thereby confirming you were on rest.

No legal requirement to switch the mode to rest when you eject the card at the end of the shift and in a lot of cases doing so would actually be creating a false record if you have to hand keys and paperwork in before leaving the yard.

Thanks Coffee.
Still,while I hear what youre saying,its a lot to remember to KEEP on doing every start and end of shift.I`d be afraid of doing it most days and forgetting the odd time.
Thanks anyway.

Thanks Coffee.
Still,while I hear what youre saying,its a lot to remember to KEEP on doing every start and end of shift.I`d be afraid of doing it most days and forgetting the odd time.

Not really. End of the shift I just hit the eject button, confirm end country and say no to a printout. Start of the shift it prompts for manual entries so I can’t really forget.