Sick Pay

I reckon if you have really got swine flu, you wouldn’t go to work, cos you would feel too ill, the antivirals seem to work in about 7 days, if you do nothing the symptoms last a week. Most folks do not die from flu, they get it, get rid of it and get it again next year.

Apparently I am immune from it because I already had Tamiflu, followed by a flu jab and now a (CAP) pneumonia injection.

If you can’t afford a week off work because you’re ill, you seriously need to be looking at your finances because you’re in deep dog doo.

We don’t get sick pay - although if I got Swine Flu and had to be off work then we would not go broke. That said if I felt able to work then I would inform work that I had it and tell them that I was still going to be working. If they “order” me to be off then they can pay me, otherwise if I am able to work then I will.

It is a bit of an annoyance since there is “meant” to be a scheme that means you get full pay after being off for more than three days, which is “at the manager’s discretion” - translated to “no-one get’s it EVER”. Even if you are off due to an accident at work. That’s DHL for you…


It is a bit of an annoyance since there is “meant” to be a scheme that means you get full pay after being off for more than three days, which is “at the manager’s discretion” - translated to “no-one get’s it EVER”. Even if you are off due to an accident at work. That’s DHL for you…

That is the problem with them. I lost my job through DHL and it’s in-house medical experts. I had been signed off fit to return to work by my own doctor and an eminent consultant who specialises in bone disease and skeletal disorders. DHL had other ideas and some jumped up company nurse decided that I wasn’t fit for work, without an examination or even having full access to my medical history. Best thing she could do in hindsight, pity I cannot thank her properly.

If you genuinley had flu , you would be unable to work.
If you had something that seemed like flu but left you able to ork although feeling very ill, you would need to be aware that some of the over the counter treatments would make it illegal for you to drive. always read the instructions on the packet!


If you can’t afford a week off work because you’re ill, you seriously need to be looking at your finances because you’re in deep dog doo.

I am not broke, they is plenty of money around but its in ISA’s and what not for other stuff. I could afford a week off but it would hit me hard. :imp:

the other option mate would be if you have any is to use you holidays if you firm allowed i no some at were i worked once did just that there use some of there as no sick pay

DelBoyTwo, thats what I had to do when I snapped my ankle (2 days before I was heading to Switzerland the most hilly place on earth - or it felt like it)
I think its a bit of a waste to use holidays, they are supposed to be used for interviews and general fun things :slight_smile:

but at least you would not lose 3 days pay and only get £79 per week i think :wink:

Im lucky my employer pays sick pay, i broke my wrist on August bank holiday, been to hospital today and told it will be at least another two weeks before I am fit to drive.
But our wonderful government tops up my sick pay by a whole £5 per week for 5 of us to live on :unamused:

For the first time in my working life i get 30 days full money then 30 half money :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

In a previous job I used to get up to 6 months on full pay, then 6 months on half pay :stuck_out_tongue:

In a previous job I used to get up to 6 months on full pay, then 6 months on half pay :stuck_out_tongue:

its only good if you got if IE had 12 months off with pay :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

its only good if you got if IE had 12 months off with pay :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Sorry - care to run that by me again, in English?


its only good if you got if IE had 12 months off with pay :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Sorry - care to run that by me again, in English?

its only good if you were on sick for the year, just cos you have you have to use to be good :wink: :laughing: