Sick of it now.

Thats it, Im sick of people pulling out in front of me from slip roads. The A19 seems particularly bad. I had to come to a standstill yesterday after locking everything up when the first car was waiting to pull out, the second car inching out behind him and a third car pulling straight out behind them all into the flow of traffic, then the 2nd car pulled out in front of *him* causing mayhem. I had nowhere to go. Someone did it again today. Whats so difficult to understand? You come to a give way point and wait for a safe gap. Why dont they do educational films on telly anymore?

I had that happen to me today. Had a guy run along side me for almost the entire length of the slip road. I left him room to move it but he didn’t, all he had to do was push it a little and he would of been in. People forgot that they should be giving way to traffic already on the road they want to join.

That and the people who cut right in front of me.

Try leaving a bit of a gap and sit back and watch
them become gladiators over it.

Much more fun. :sunglasses:

One of my many competing pet hates is when you take your required lane positioning in good time at a roundabout, only to have the twonks who can`t even keep their poxy car in their own lane, cut right across your front end, forcing you to brake until they drift back into their own space.

Another one that peed me off yesterday was at the gridlocked 5ways roundabout on the A11. Rather than block the roundabout, i kept it usable from my left until i had enough space ahead to clear the r/about. Of course, every time a car length space developed, some brainless, selfish prat would zip over and fill it. Against my better judgement and nature, i was left with no choice but to creep across and block it, or id have been there all friggin day. :imp:

Why don`t they do educational films on telly anymore?

they do :open_mouth:

at around 3am :unamused:


Why don`t they do educational films on telly anymore?

they do :open_mouth:

at around 3am :unamused:

and it still wouldn’t make an ounce of difference

I think people have got so used to us just moving over for them to get them out of the ■■■■ which is fine if we have room, I do it to help
Them out unless they’re being a bully, I also move over as I don’t want them ramming
Me or throwing themselves
Under my front wheels!!!

You should see my motor now after Thursday’s brown trousers, I’ve just
Plastered him in warning stickers, you can barely see the paint.

It should be part of the car driving test to answer questions about trucks. This hazard perception test is a good idea but pretty crap in practice.

I may even start my own training company so I can stop these women euthanising themselves on lorries.
I’m serious,
I’d have paid me big money for advice when I was starting out I tell thee.

I had a guy running beside me matching my speed on the A 1 n/b yesterday, I was in lane 1 of the 3 lane bit and he was on the A14 bit (if that makes sense), as it was now 4 lanes and I wanted to move across I waited for him to either accelerate inside of me or drop back behind me. Either would’ve done me, but oh no, he wanted to be in lane two so just turned right into my side! Nowt as queer as folk.


Jeesus Moaster, you have to wonder…did you have the cloaking device engaged at the time or does that new stealth paint finish really work.

How can they not see, feel, hear, sense a bloody great motor right beside their right ear 'ole… :unamused:

There’s a young bloke in a Daf artic driving for an old established haulier not 15 miles from here, he’s come to my attention twice in the last week by sticking out like a sore thumb by driving like a pillock.

First time, i’m travelling up the M1 past jct 14 @ exactly 50mph and this bloke suddenly undertakes me along the acceleration lane, i had no option other than to brake firmly or as it happens i was able to swiftly dive out in the middle lane, i’m not sure he would have had the sense to continue up the hard shoulder for a bit if he’d run out of road.
Second time i saw him was on the A6 coming t’other way coupla days later, single carriageway, jammed right up a cars arse on the bends at, i suspect, limiter speed.

He’ll be fine cos his hi vis vest appears to be sewn on permanently (experience has taught to take extra care around permawearers of said garment), but i wouldn’t be surprised if he features in a thread with pics of the results here in due course, probably when the weather changes.

Worst part is that he didn’t stop! He carried on oblivious while I made the necessary phone calls. I finally caught up to him in a layby near Stamford. Presumably he’d glanced in his offside mirror and discovered that it was no longer there!


I’ve been off all this week, and off next week too. So been doing a lot of car driving during the day, at some point on every journey I’ve made, I’ve had someone inches off my towbar… Really starting to get on my nerves. Driving much slower, giving them the opportunity to pass me… Nope, happy to sit on my tail.

The village I live in is quite rural, lots of narrow country roads with the occasional blind bend. The other day, I had three cars come round bends in the middle of the road, all three within 5 minutes of each other. It gets even worse when the good weather brings the walkers out, and they walk down the narrow roads, and morons in cars just move over to get past them… As I’m coming round the corner!!! Lots of near misses, and if they scuffed my car, I wonder how many of them would stop and hand over their details

I was looking at getting a newish Astra estate, to replace the Astra estate I have just now. But there is no way I’m spending £10-12,000 on a car, for someone to scrape it and drive away leaving me to foot the bill. I’m going to be looking at a old Discovery or Shogun\L200, probably have scraps on it anyway, costing £800-1500, and if anyone comes round a bend and scrapes it in their flashy Audi, Beemer or what ever… Fine by me. If they then drive off without stopping… Fine by me.

I’ve been off all this week, and off next week too. So been doing a lot of car driving during the day, at some point on every journey I’ve made, I’ve had someone inches off my towbar… Really starting to get on my nerves. Driving much slower, giving them the opportunity to pass me… Nope, happy to sit on my tail.

The village I live in is quite rural, lots of narrow country roads with the occasional blind bend. The other day, I had three cars come round bends in the middle of the road, all three within 5 minutes of each other. It gets even worse when the good weather brings the walkers out, and they walk down the narrow roads, and morons in cars just move over to get past them… As I’m coming round the corner!!! Lots of near misses, and if they scuffed my car, I wonder how many of them would stop and hand over their details

I was looking at getting a newish Astra estate, to replace the Astra estate I have just now. But there is no way I’m spending £10-12,000 on a car, for someone to scrape it and drive away leaving me to foot the bill. I’m going to be looking at a old Discovery or Shogun\L200, probably have scraps on it anyway, costing £800-1500, and if anyone comes round a bend and scrapes it in their flashy Audi, Beemer or what ever… Fine by me. If they then drive off without stopping… Fine by me.

this is why i now drive a 1993 1.2 corsa merit that cost me £250 if you want to force your way through in your flash german ■■■■ waggon do it i ant swerving or moving over hit me and it will cost YOU at lot more than me . tho getting used to no power steering abs electric windows or aircon is proving to be fun

if there is nowhere for me to pull out when traffic is in the middle lane ,and the car on the inside insists on keep coming then I run them up the hardshoulder,i will not brake for them to pull out as I have right of way,so they can do 2 things either pull back and come in behind or hit you,if they hit they are in the wrong, simple,it does create a lot of hassle if they hit but fortunately it has not happened to me yet as they allways give way rather than mess with a 44 tonner,dont get me wrong if I can pull out and allow them out I will do,but If I cant the call is theirs on what they decide to do,pull back,run up the hardshoulder, or hit my wagon

Cas that over take trucks then whip back in lane one to slow the truck down are called divebombers or kamikaze pilots.
They then exit at the next junction.
It must be the new sport to wind up nasty smelly juggernaut killer drivers.

As you can imagine, we attend quite a few of these, when I turn up, I ask the car driver what he/she did at the roundabout before joining it then to get on the on-slip, they usually say stop or gave way to cars, I then say well those markings, GIVE WAY, are the same as these markings on the road here and the truck has priority, I then get my Highway Code out and show them, they then get a sinking feeling when they realise they can’t screw the truck driver and then the truck driver usually gives me a nod.

The majority of car drivers think they have right of way.

I was looking at getting a newish Astra estate, to replace the Astra estate I have just now. But there is no way I’m spending £10-12,000 on a car, .

■■■■■■■ hell who you on about buying the car off? Arthur Daley? :open_mouth: :smiley:


I was looking at getting a newish Astra estate, to replace the Astra estate I have just now. But there is no way I’m spending £10-12,000 on a car, .

[zb] hell who you on about buying the car off? Arthur Daley? :open_mouth: :smiley:

don’t be silly Arfer don’t have anything over a tenner :wink: