Sick as a chip, C+E fail!.. Update.. I've passed!

just got home from failing my Class 1 test… there’s not really much to say!

I did my revserse, controlled stop & couple/un-couple no problems, set off to leave the test centre and misjudged the the tight left which you have to take to get out of the centre, I knew I was close to the gate so was just about to brake when the examiner shouts “STOP”… now I know I was close so was gonna stop but he pre-empted me and shouted… I then reversed and move out and around the gate and continued out of the centre for my drive… The drive went great got back with 6 minors… but he failed me for the initial exit from the centre…

I’m gutted cuz I know my drive was a good one… so I’m back in next tuesday to take my test… i’ll get it next time!! :unamused:

oh it was Bredbury test centre Stockport…

first sorry to hear about the result, but as you said
the examiner had to intervene and you know the reason why
so next time, will be a different result, remember your mistake
and when you do the next test, give him a safe ride, and then let us all know here the result please,

Sorry to hear that :frowning:

Good luck for Tuesday.

Sorry to hear that you did
not pass this :frowning: . Good luck
for the retest on tuesday :slight_smile: .

Dont let it get to you, i failed my class 1 first time with 3 minors & 1 serious. Came up sliproad onto A40 in yeading & got stuck behind a milkfloat doing 5mph. Went to overtake thinking car in middle lane had slowed down to let me out (how wrong was i?) Failed for dangerous lane change. I was gutted but passed second time & now it seems like a lifetime ago.

You’ll pass with flying colours next time man!!!

cheers everyone, I actually don’t feel too bad now…

I know I can do this, just gotta make sure no more schoolboy errors!..

roll on next tuesday… until i’ll be driving the ice-cream vans around :laughing:

Don’t worry about it, failed mine first time right at the end with a stupid mistake - even the examiner was annoyed about it !! Keep at it and you will get there in the end… …

Best of luck with it !!!


sorry to hear you didnt pass :frowning: I took my C test at Bredbury, I know what you mean about the left turn out of the gates. Looks like everything else went your way though, so it should make you feel confident for next time :slight_smile:



I had a dream drive on my class 1test, the best drive of the weeks training except for one roundabout, downhill aproach fifth gear clear view, no traffic, great until I get there and realise I need 4’th, all of a sudden it hits the fan, brake flick switch change down mirrors mirrors mirrors turn, more mirrors turned in to quick hit a curb, failed! bugger 5 miners. My fault, but I know had there been traffic I would have passed, had there been somone on the curb I would have squashed them! Did’nt drive half as good on the second test but past!

Sorry to hear that.
Good luck for next Tuesday.

[zb] 5 miners.

These [zb] miners are getting everywhere. Shouldn’t they be down t’pits?

Pedant!! :laughing:

They didn’t have gradings like they have now when I did my test. I know I messed up bits of it but they passed me to avoid having to see me again!

Best of luck on Tuesday.

Rob K:
These [zb] miners are getting everywhere. Shouldn’t they be down t’pits?

Had to do my gear change exercise past t’pit gates on my test, din’ see no miners though :slight_smile:

Good luck with the re-test fella! :laughing:

At least you know your drive was good out on the road so not too many worries there.
Just watch those gates next time and I am sure you will be fine.
Good luck

just got home from the test centre, i’ve never had bad nerves before, but boy I had the shakes today :open_mouth:

I did the same route as I did last week which is the same route I did for my Class 2 so I knew it like the back of hand, I did get 10 minors though which compared to last weeks 6 was a bit dissapointing but “a pass is a pass” as my instructor said so thats the main thing.

My partner and I are getting married in 2 weeks time in Paphos, so me passing means I can put it to the back of my mind now and concentrate on having a smashing time while we’re away, then i’ll never see her when i’m on the road, all over the country :laughing:

I’ve been buzzing all afternoon :smiley:

well done russ!!!
got my class1 this week so hopefully that will be 2 passes

Well done :smiley:

Congratulations mate, made up for ya!!! All the best


Congratulations :smiley: