Shred your hgv licence!

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Vacancy from Jobcentre Plus
Job No:


FROM £6.75

5 OVER 7


Date posted

03 June 2009
Closing date

03 July 2009
Pension details

No details held

This vacancy is being advertised on behalf of Driver Hire who are operating as an employment business. Must have a full ADR licence in packages. Maximum of 3 points on licence. Digital smart card preferred. Temporary, duration not known. . This Local Employment Partnership employer shares information about new starters with Jobcentre Plus for statistical purposes only. See for more information.
How to apply

You can apply for this job by telephoning 0161 6834333 and asking for Paul Smith.

I see the Times this morning is peddling the usual misconceptions. It quotes a driver deficit of 80,000…well if there’s a shortage of drivers that explains why the rates are so good then. :confused:

yes i know and at the moment im working for the lowest wage and shortest hours driving a small truck,the worst wage i have had in 15 years…

so gordon brown… can i claim for not having any spare cash since oct 08
no i cant claim anything
im english i was born here i have worked here all my life and i can claim f all

so i want to be a drug dealer. a hitman or maybe a major criminal like a MP
as you make the laws to suite and as for the voting we just had… well you got your ■■■ kicked again as people like myself you dont give a dam about, now i think politics is very like the mafia but there was many protests votes…voted labour always never in my life will i again…
swine flu helped people panick and forget about the fuel prices, guess what brown transport firms are still closing down because the fuel is still going up…
you need to get in touch with the real people, i could do your job better as common sense is not hard but living in the uk is…

it sure is grim, I have been pro active in my job search since the last one came to an end, i was made redundant but i was expecting it as it was a contract job on a large construction site, very good money but unfortunatley was never going to last forever.

so i find my self searching the net, going out to see people and making loads of calls, 43 today and nothing, all saying the same thing, either laying off or they just have nothing or even collapsing.

I am not entitled to jsa for 17 weeks due to my holiday pay settlement ( as we were working 7 days hoilday pay was accrued and paid in bulk upon leaving).

i can apply for goverment funding to help in retraining, however the hoops that you have to jump through are unbelieavble, and the criteria that you have to meet is incredible, and you are not allowed to retrain for a complete career change you have to retrain to enhance your current prospects.

it is going to be hard times ahead for us all… maybe i will become an mp lol

it sure is grim, I have been pro active in my job search since the last one came to an end, i was made redundant but i was expecting it as it was a contract job on a large construction site, very good money but unfortunatley was never going to last forever.

so i find my self searching the net, going out to see people and making loads of calls, 43 today and nothing, all saying the same thing, either laying off or they just have nothing or even collapsing.

I am not entitled to jsa for 17 weeks due to my holiday pay settlement ( as we were working 7 days hoilday pay was accrued and paid in bulk upon leaving).

i can apply for goverment funding to help in retraining, however the hoops that you have to jump through are unbelieavble, and the criteria that you have to meet is incredible, and you are not allowed to retrain for a complete career change you have to retrain to enhance your current prospects.

it is going to be hard times ahead for us all… maybe i will become an mp lol

ill vote for ya lol!!


I think you’ll find most of us were on better wages 10 years ago, I might even push that to 15 years ago when I was earning better money than is on offer today (if you can find any work that is).


The thing is even the F.T.A have quoted figures of more than 56% of drivers are now over the age of 45 years old with no real signs of any of the younger generation entering the industry - which leave them to believe there will be a real driver shortage…Cue yet more freakin’ East Europeans filling the market with cheap labour using their ‘lucky-bag’ acquired licences! If ever you get a chance to get out of the industry, TAKE IT!!

I am in a job at the moment driving Class 1 for £21000. In sept i can go back down to drivin a 7.5 tonner for the same money.

What should i do?

I am in a job at the moment driving Class 1 for £21000. In sept i can go back down to drivin a 7.5 tonner for the same money.

What should i do?

Apart from the vehicles, will anything else be different about the job :question:

Express Pete:
The thing is even the F.T.A have quoted figures of more than 56% of drivers are now over the age of 45 years old with no real signs of any of the younger generation entering the industryquote]

just shows they haven’t done their research - there are plenty of young drivers (like me) waiting in wings for an opportunity - no need for easterns. Just a side note - isn’t it funny how in Poland in the euro elections the right wind anti-immigration party did very well yet Polish folk have been the best to benefit from the effects of migration!

‘…just shows they haven’t done their research - there are plenty of young drivers (like me) waiting in wings for an opportunity - no need for easterns…’

You’ve maybe missed the point, Trampers: Your job opportunity will involve competing with the Easties for ‘British jobs’ (ha!) in your town - whereby their European role is to drive down UK wage demand.

Thank Brussels, Strasbourg, the EU and all who politically endorse the gruesome intrusion of undemocratically enforced diversity for your potential crap wage…


This vacancy is being advertised on behalf of Time Recruitment who are operating as an employment business. HGV I Driver required to work various shifts including weekends. £7.53 days and £8.40 nights, £9.30 weekends. Must have previous experience and no more than 6 points on licence. Must also have a Digi Tacho card. . .
How to apply

You can apply for this job by telephoning 0870 7774844 ext 1 and asking for Stuart McLachrie.

Time Recruitment Solutions Ltd. (Industrial)


£1.03 per hour more than me !! £0.47 per hour less than the minimum i would work for about four years ago, and less than i was on 10 years ago.

Get in to something else leave this industry the pays ■■■■ the jobs ■■■■ you get treated like ■■■■ it will NEVER CHANGE.

If you can get out do it.

One day there will be a real shortage the sad thing is there will be people queueing to work for less and do more hours.


I am in a job at the moment driving Class 1 for £21000. In sept i can go back down to drivin a 7.5 tonner for the same money.

What should i do?

Apart from the vehicles, will anything else be different about the job :question:

Class 1 is night trunking. The7.5 tonner is multi drop days 25 tops a day. Which i don’t actually mind doin. Trunking is getting a bit boring.

Trunking is getting a bit boring.

The7.5 tonner is multi drop days 25 tops a day. Which i don’t actually mind doin

Answered your own question :smiley:

Get in to something else leave this industry the pays [zb] the jobs [zb] you get treated like [zb] it will NEVER CHANGE.

If you can get out do it.

One day there will be a real shortage the sad thing is there will be people queueing to work for less and do more hours.

Never a truer word! I know if I could I would…

as i said before ive been made redundant an entitled to funding to the value of £3k if it gets granted… great … but as i spoke to woman more she revealed the only problem is now loads of people are getting retrained but there are still no jobs out there for them after their retraining, now they are reviewing the fields that you want to train in and if there are lots who have taken a similair route and still out of work you may not get it,great …anyway ive put in to do my heavy mobile crane training so any contacts for jobs in this field will be greatly appreciated…provided they decide to fund me…i have been warned this industry is slowing rapidly too.

Its been said before on here, its all down to market forces or us and them. Us being drivers Them being steering wheels!When I am out on main roads in the coach I see less and less general hauliers still plenty of Asdas Tescos and Sainsburys.