Should I ?

Well the new year is bringing mew challenges i have just been given my route for Monday ! Dartford onto Chelmsford then all the way to Ipswich and back to Dartford and all in the same day should I take my tooth brush and sleeping bag ?

Better safe than sorry, mate. :slight_smile:

It depends on whether you’re a “real man” and a “proper driver” or doing supermarket delivery :wink:

I cant help feeling its an opportunity to prove my self as a real driver made of stern stuff !

If I can go from Poole, Dorset to Chelmsford to Colchester and then Ipswich and back to Poole in just under 10hrs drive sometimes 1/2 a week
Then you tooth brush can stay home.

Surely the boy scout motto should apply ! Be Prepared and all that after all ! wouldn’t want to be thought of as a big girls blouse

I’m going to Frome on Monday from Thatcham should I take a sleeping bag with me :laughing: :laughing:

I cant help feeling its an opportunity to prove my self as a real driver made of stern stuff !

Please tell me this is a joke post?? Has something whooooshed over my head without me realising it? I doubt if the whole ■■■■■■■ round trip is 200 miles!!!

Dartford to Chelmsford to Ipswich back to Dartford?? 5 hours drive max

Surely the boy scout motto should apply ! Be Prepared and all that after all ! wouldn’t want to be thought of as a big girls blouse

Nope, if the worst happens you can rough it for one night or at worst get rescued, would definately take my big girls blouse though.

Joke Post ! not al all mate I think there testing my metal ! but I just hope I can rise to the challenge


I cant help feeling its an opportunity to prove my self as a real driver made of stern stuff !

Please tell me this is a joke post?? Has something whooooshed over my head without me realising it? I doubt if the whole [zb] round trip is 200 miles!!!

Dartford to Chelmsford to Ipswich back to Dartford?? 5 hours drive max

All good fun that I think and a spin off from the ‘unplanned night out’ thread that some haven’t got over.
In a nutshell some where in shock that when faced with an unplanned night out they should rough it or find a Hotel rather than be rescued or drive back way over hours.

The more logical thinkers (lets say men) said they would rough it or carry an emergency sleeping bag (a small dainty one that fits neatly into a day / hand bag).
This caused a bit of an uproar amongst our more effeminate members who got their ■■■■■■■ in a bit of a bunch.

should I take my tooth brush and sleeping bag ?

You can do 1 of 3 things
1 - Use your jacket rolled up as a pillow and your hi viz as a duvet. If a day cab,roll jacket and stick it between seats. Some sandwiches and a bottle of water. You wont need any more for less than a week away
2 - Take sleeping bag,toothbrush,pillow,duvet,kettle,dvd player,cup,phone charger,change of clothes,enough food for 2 days,shaving kit,portable heater,wet wipes etc. Humf it all into truck in the morning and then humf it all back out again when finished
3 - Download bus schedule,train schedule,take note of 6 different taxi numbers,list of local hotels,make sure boss has a van available if need be to come get you,different drivers numbers in case they are near by or a local helicopter firm as a last resort

There was a thread on here somewhere,cant remember the name,where a small debate was had about what was neccessery and what wasn’t… :laughing:

unless you want to clean your teeth after your dinner you wont need a toothbrush. that is unless you have a second run to do, and the first trip is a push for you i would take the full contents of my house for the second :grimacing:



I cant help feeling its an opportunity to prove my self as a real driver made of stern stuff !

Please tell me this is a joke post?? Has something whooooshed over my head without me realising it? I doubt if the whole [zb] round trip is 200 miles!!!

Dartford to Chelmsford to Ipswich back to Dartford?? 5 hours drive max

All good fun that I think and a spin off from the ‘unplanned night out’ thread that some haven’t got over.
In a nutshell some where in shock that when faced with an unplanned night out they should rough it or find a Hotel rather than be rescued or drive back way over hours.

The more logical thinkers (lets say men) said they would rough it or carry an emergency sleeping bag (a small dainty one that fits neatly into a day / hand bag).
This caused a bit of an uproar amongst our more effeminate members who got their ■■■■■■■ in a bit of a bunch.

Not like me to miss a touch of sarcasm :frowning: Must be my age

the flying foden:
unless you want to clean your teeth after your dinner you wont need a toothbrush. that is unless you have a second run to do, and the first trip is a push for you i would take the full contents of my house for the second :grimacing:

A second run ! didn’t see that coming is there not rules about that sort of thing ? best get the union involved I think

Absolutely anything could go breasts northward. It might snow, your wheels might spin, there might be other traffic on that otherwise desolate highway…you might even get a strand of ham stuck inbetween your teeth :open_mouth: God, what a nightmare.

didn’t Chris Evans say “don’t forget your toothbrush”
up to you now

:open_mouth: Oh no! It’s all kicking off again…the drama, the pain :cry:
Now calm down lads, we’ve all had a drink, so keep your eyes on the snowman and big Roy, they are like coiled springs :laughing:

What with the dreaded Dartford Bridge to contend with i really am worrying now maybe ill just take an extra day off just to be safe thus eliminating the need for taking essential trucker kit to work

so keep your eyes on the snowman and big Roy, they are like coiled springs :laughing:

Not at all man,not at all. All in good fun now :laughing:
Although Im thinking of changing my user name to zebedee :smiley: