Should I try a third time?

Im getting seriously peed off driving buses, Ive taken the cat C twice test and failed both times, but I hope that the experience of driving buses has given me a bit of an advantage now…!!!
Trouble is, I cant afford it due to splitting up with fiancee, and losing my job because I had to move back from Doncaster to Basingstoke that same day without any notice (quite why Stagecoach expected me to stay to work my notice in a situation like that even though I wanted to transfer back :unamused: ), and not getting my job back for 3 weeks hence the finacial situation Im in… :cry:
Are there any training schools that work on finance, and Im prepared to travel to them…?

Should I try a third time?

IMO - YES - you cannot be THAT bad as you already drive a large vehicle :exclamation: :exclamation: - whats the prob on the test :question:

:bulb: I think these might do - worth a freecall :bulb:

J. Coates (H.G.V. Services) Ltd
657, Ajax Avenue,
Slough Trading Estate,
Freephone: 0800 279 7944

Be careful who you choose - some of the National LGV training companies are… well… ask on here before you commit to one :wink: :slight_smile:

i know the government were doing a vocational loan with some of the banks a while a go!

i know barclay’s were involved as i had a look at it but funded it from our savings as i wasn’t eligible for it.

i cant even remember the name it was under but im pretty sure it was on the skills for logistics website.

i’ll have a look and get back to you

:idea: I think these might do - worth a freecall :bulb:

J. Coates (H.G.V. Services) Ltd
657, Ajax Avenue,
Slough Trading Estate,
Freephone: 0800 279 7944

Be careful who you choose - some of the National LGV training companies are… well… ask on here before you commit to one :wink: :slight_smile:

are you referring to the great British currency ROG?

have a look at this … G_10039031

and i found these on there

by doing a search.

i have no idea if they are any good or what but it might be worth giving them a bell and asking them what the score is!

good luck mate

Just to echo ROG, yes it is worth a third try.

Be careful who you choose - some of the National LGV training companies are… well… ask on here before you commit to one :wink: :slight_smile:

Cheers Rog :sunglasses:
I actually know 2 people who passed their tests with Sterling and had no complaints :open_mouth:


Be careful who you choose - some of the National LGV training companies are… well… ask on here before you commit to one :wink: :slight_smile:

Cheers Rog :sunglasses:
I actually know 2 people who passed their tests with Sterling and had no complaints :open_mouth:

they can join the list of sterlings happy customers then.

that now makes two people on the list of sterlings happy customers! :laughing: :laughing:



Be careful who you choose - some of the National LGV training companies are… well… ask on here before you commit to one :wink: :slight_smile:

Cheers Rog :sunglasses:
I actually know 2 people who passed their tests with Sterling and had no complaints :open_mouth:

they can join the list of sterlings happy customers then.

that now makes two people on the list of sterlings happy customers! :laughing: :laughing:

FOOD FOR THOUGHT :exclamation: :exclamation: :question: :question:

FOOD FOR THOUGHT :exclamation: :exclamation: :question: :question:

i know he was happy with the training as most are because it is farmed out to training schools that do it day in day facing the customer and are proffesional outfits, not like sterling who hide behind phone numbers and email addresses, it is just the support and customer service that lacks ‘a little’ shall we say!!!

always read the small print very carefully - especially about retests

From Basingstoke how bout Zenith

yeah get put in for it again pal, you must be very unlucky its not right often people fail, i heard the average is around 70% first time pass rate and with your experience driving buses should really be a doddle must be your nerves playing up on test. get put back in once you pass the licence will pay for itself in no time.


id keep away from sterling pal from what ive heard i trained my cat c wth a lad who went with them first. retests were way over priced and if you fail waiting list for a retest was about eight week. what a laugh eh?

the thing that Barclays is involved with is called “career develoment loan” I don’t know all the ins and outs but I believe it is something like you only pay the interest to start with. (which keeps your costs down)

Please don’t give up, you have spent a great deal of money so far. It took me 5 attempts for my C&E and I had to travel from Ipswich to Wakefield each time. (Long Story)
Good Luck. :smiley:

A Career Development Loan might be your best bet.

From Basingstoke how bout Zenith

i never thought of them. should have, thats who i went with!
:blush: :blush:

From Basingstoke how bout Zenith

Just looked at that website, and it says finance packages available…
Might just have to give them a call soon then… :sunglasses:
Its getting to the point where Im tempted to leave the bus at the side of the road now which I nearly did a couple of weeks ago after the office had a go at me for the windscreen wipers failing and being told to “push it back on and carry on”, no I couldnt push it back on and no I wouldnt continue because it was raining… :unamused:

i never thought of them. should have, thats who i went with!
:blush: :blush:

What were they like to train with?