Should i return driving

Stay where you are and use all that time off you get to improve ya spelling !!!

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sugar Ray:
How long have you got left before retirement T Lad?

Think of the pension you will get. And will it give you a good payout if you take it early, if not i personaly would stick with it, but as stated if you have some spare time try agency work and see if you like it. The Agency work is a little slow at the moment so wait till it picks up.
I gave up my last job 14 months ago through being bored, i was with them for 7 years, and 16 years in my previous job. Im still with the agency but have not had more than 2 weeks work since xmas. Proberly because my name is not Jazec and i wont do stupid hours.

Good luck. .

Could retire at 60 only 17 years to go :cry: Done about 15 years lorry driving or is that truck driving sorry differant forum so i know the score still do a bit on a weekend makes the money up yer no

T-Lad - gather you must be at Leconfield. Are Chris N & John C still there as instructors?

theres 200 n odd instructors you’ll have to give me more to go on.

I’d give it a miss if I were you mate, as far as I can see the whole shebang is a load of toss these days, no matter what part of it you opt for.

The UK stuff is just plain unpleasant due to overcrowded roads, overpriced/unsafe/lack of parking, the euro stuff is just too deadline based and plus the rules are getting out of hand.

I had a lucky break with a mate of mine who gave me some CAD based work which has now flourished into a full time 9 to 5 job in a global company which I got with the experience I gained from working for him.

I now know where i’m going to be every evening/weekend, and what i’m going to earn and I have hardly any worries from day to day, the biggest mistake I can make is for something to be fabricated from my drawings and its wrong, rather than have a lapse of concentration and wipe out a bus queue or something…

You can still make a few quid out of driving as well, I do the odd bit here and there to keep my hand in driving class 1 on changeovers now and again, which can bolster the old wallet.

Don’t give up on everything else :wink:

lifes for living now not for a pension you might not make :laughing:
my instructor from leccy had a heart attack n pegged
2 weeks after ileft
dont think i had anything to do with that but we did have some good fights
yep he was scottish :laughing: :laughing: