Should I pay for CV Written by Professional CV Writers?

Hi just another question to you Guys.

Should I pay for professional CV Writing service to Prepare my CV for a “Professional” Job or should I use the One I’ve used many years ago as i Applied to work at the Petrol Station or Sainsbury’s Lol.

How much difference there is between Interviews for a Shop Worker and a “Professional Driver”. Is it even comparable with the Manager job interview where you have to satisfy whole panel of top HR staff to make sure you get a job? Do they take you to dinner where you have to behave yourself show your table manners and also answer tons of interview questions?

Bit scared as I’ve been on 3 interviews like this and it scared the hell out of me.

Do you have to wear a full suit while on interview?

Ps. I’m a total newbie here so pardon ME if these questions seem funny to You. Never been on any Driving job interview so dunno what to expect.

I wouldn’t bother with a professionally prepared one if you have basic computer skills.
You will be able to search for CV templates online and just tailor it to you.
If your spelling/English language isn’t very good then ask a friend to help. I’ve seen many CV’s that are almost illegible so wouldn’t employ the person. I know some may think it’s not important to have reading/writing skills as a driver but the slightest mistake can have you 300 miles in the wrong direction in this country. Also, if someone can’t be bothered to make an effort with a CV, then how much effort will they make if they worked for you?
Try not to go too OTT in the other direction either. I don’t want to know you’re moving because your wife cheated on you with your brother (yes I’ve seen this on a job application) and some people also have a picture as well, but I don’t want to see your family holiday snap.

If you’re on social media (Facebook/Twitter) just check there’s nothing that strangers can access which will cause you problems. Many companies with HR departments now look at such sites to see what further info they can get about you.
Good luck.

Can I ask how old you are, it makes a difference on how and what your putting I a cv.

Sure Nick 2008 :slight_smile:

I’m 28 this August.

Only worked In supermarkets and petrol stations though, so it’s a career change CV that bothers Me as beside having 10 years Cat B licence with no point’s on I can’t put anything else related to the job apart of that i love travelling and I’m good with orientation when i’m visiting new places. For example when I was in Spain I’ve managed to travel around Barcelona using only Public Transport and my Spanish is Bad. Same in Tunisia and Tokyo.

I only aske because after a while theres no point in putting 30yrs of work and then all your schooling down as the qualifications become pointless to some :wink:

I would do your own thing, They’re easy to do lay out your last year of schooling.
any part time weekend jobs.
employment since leaving education.
The biggest point is your story at the beginning what you have you can bring to the Job , You’ve had a car licence since ?
you passed your Class ? in ?
Types of stuff driven, vans for example any driving abroad even in a car as this can show your able to adapt .
in short make your introduction on the cv INTERESTING if they’re not interested within the first few lines it’ll be binned.
Your best friend is your best critic get them to read your cv and tell them to be as honest as they can by pulling it apart.

Then you have a good cv,

good luck :wink:

Also, when listing previous jobs, don’t go into loads of detail about a job that has no relevance to the position you are applying for but DO expand on any jobs that have given you skills you can apply to the job you are applying for.


Im in the same boat as you Im 27 and last 11 years have worked in Retail with some catering inbetween, last 7 years has been in a BP service station (still there to lol) as I’m brushing up my CV and getting everything in order before i starting knocking on doors etc, i touched my CV for the first time in roughly 5 years and had alot of work to do, still do actually, but with regards to any future interviews etc, i wouldn’t panic too much, all you can do is look and be the best you can. someone somewhere will have there faith and trust in you to give you a chance, with regard to my HGV did all my training last year, have Class 2 and 1, exepience 0 lol! (I’m also 28 aswell this august)

My CV is 1 page which most places find acceptable these days due to the high volumes they receive

You both do have some relevant experience as in dealing with people ( customer service as you may be dealing with this in driving ) working on own initiate can be important as a driver honest trustworthy from working in petrol station & shop etc

Take your time in doing your CV dont be afraid to go back & change it maybe before you start write it all down on some paper ( hard copy ) then you can see change it if you want

A good covering letter helps before the CV

The trouble with pro and template CV’s is that they are all the same, and its bleeding obvious what they are, they’re like spam and easily ignored, you’re not applying as a school leaver or for a local authority/charity/civil service non job for yet another dynamic useless walking sick note to add to the hundreds already there, you’re applying as a lorry driver to be there at 4am or whatever it is come hell or high water and drive that lorry.

Do your own, it will have your personality, all on one page, make it STAND OUT from the reams of cloned CV’s from cloned applicants.

You don’t need to state that you are reliable and trustworthy, because only the village idiot is going to admit otherwise so don’t waste page space and their time reading guff.

State a checkable and full work history, if you’re not one of these people who has a sickie for a sore toe or a runny nose, say so boldy…‘‘i have never taken an unauthorised or sick day off in my life’’…or ‘‘i have never once missed a days work and i have never been late to work’’…‘‘and i can prove either’’ …that sort of thing but eloquently.

The proven reliable capable competent person, who shows a bit of nous, and yes stands out from the dross, gets good lorry driving jobs.

Don’t pay for one. My cv wasn’t even required to get my driving job, just an interview and a handshake. Like you I’m doing a big career change so it’s largely irrelevant, what is relevant is your attitude and how you come across.

A lot of transport companies won’t even accept cvs and will ask you to complete their application form instead, and as mentioned by others just play up those skills you have learned that will help you; an ability to deal with all walks of life and station, customer service, your ability to get from a to b and your enthusiasm for driving.

Good luck :slight_smile:

No definitely don’t pay for a CV.

You can get guidance off the Internet but whatever you do, keep it succinct preferably ONE page max two and no waffle. The point of a CV is to tell the reader what qualifications, experience and skills that you have that are relevant to them that instigates an invitation to interview you.

In reality I never needed a CV to get my driving jobs and I’ve done ok.

Big companies are more likely to require a CV because they experience greater numbers of applications and it’s used as a method of filtering applicants.