Shorts weather yet?

Shorts weather in Greece has started, was having a beer the other weekend outside Athens…sdj

Ok, well thats really (zb) me off!!! :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

What I would give to be sitting outside Athens haveing a few cold ones!! :sunglasses:

Maybe one day.

Cheers, bullitt.

Had my shorts on last weekend in Calpe , very nice i looked as well,apart from the white legs. bit nippy in the evening though.

I’m waiting to see Coffeeholic in his shorts.
I need something to put on my garden gate to keep burglars out!!
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It’ll never happen mate, me and shorts is a big no. I’m counting the days until November, not into all this sunshine and heat lark. :imp: :smiling_imp: :imp: :smiling_imp:

Chocky at Ontime automotive wouldnt wear shorts either. In fact whenever you saw him he had a sweatshirt and company overalls on even in +30’c in Italy or Spain.

Me I had me legs on display this week :stuck_out_tongue: 24 degrees in Northern France

And today ive put mine on!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing:


mine was on all last week in spain , nice and warm now , in fact really hot in sevilla

Bunch of weirdos :smiley: , looking a bit like wizened schoolboys in your shorts :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Squeezed into mine today. Will wear them for non customer facing work until the legs get a bit of colour! I’m looking a bit anaemic from the waist down!

Had my shorts on last weekend in Calpe , very nice i looked as well,apart from the white legs. bit nippy in the evening though.

Snap! even though it is 16 to 18 C today (Calpe)

(holy thread revival again!)


Had my shorts on last weekend in Calpe , very nice i looked as well,apart from the white legs. bit nippy in the evening though.

Snap! even though it is 16 to 18 C today (Calpe)

(holy thread revival again!)

I wonder if he’s still wearing the same shorts, there’ll be a bit tatty by now !!! And probably out of fashion.

When I was doing European work (early 80s to mid 90s) this was always the time of year I used to look forward to. The snow had virtualy disappeared, the sun started to shine properly and it starts to feel alot warmer down in southern France, Spain ,Italy etc. :sunglasses:

Just wondered if its shorts time yet? Wish it was over here, seems like its been winter for years. :unamused:

Cheers, bullitt.

the snow just disappeared :open_mouth: 'kin’ell its only just started snowing in some places, coming down through spain today at 8.45am it was -7 near medinacelli :open_mouth: not shorts time yet :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


When I was doing European work (early 80s to mid 90s) this was always the time of year I used to look forward to. The snow had virtualy disappeared, the sun started to shine properly and it starts to feel alot warmer down in southern France, Spain ,Italy etc. :sunglasses:

Just wondered if its shorts time yet? Wish it was over here, seems like its been winter for years. :unamused:

Cheers, bullitt.

the snow just disappeared :open_mouth: 'kin’ell its only just started snowing in some places, coming down through spain today at 8.45am it was -7 near medinacelli :open_mouth: not shorts time yet :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

He wrote it on 15 th April 2005 :open_mouth:


When I was doing European work (early 80s to mid 90s) this was always the time of year I used to look forward to. The snow had virtualy disappeared, the sun started to shine properly and it starts to feel alot warmer down in southern France, Spain ,Italy etc. :sunglasses:

Just wondered if its shorts time yet? Wish it was over here, seems like its been winter for years. :unamused:

Cheers, bullitt.

the snow just disappeared :open_mouth: 'kin’ell its only just started snowing in some places, coming down through spain today at 8.45am it was -7 near medinacelli :open_mouth: not shorts time yet :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Im always working in shorts here in Tenerife were up in the mid 20s all winter :smiley: :sunglasses: :smiley: :sunglasses: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

bald bloke:


When I was doing European work (early 80s to mid 90s) this was always the time of year I used to look forward to. The snow had virtualy disappeared, the sun started to shine properly and it starts to feel alot warmer down in southern France, Spain ,Italy etc. :sunglasses:

Just wondered if its shorts time yet? Wish it was over here, seems like its been winter for years. :unamused:

Cheers, bullitt.

the snow just disappeared :open_mouth: 'kin’ell its only just started snowing in some places, coming down through spain today at 8.45am it was -7 near medinacelli :open_mouth: not shorts time yet :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

He wrote it on 15 th April 2005 :open_mouth:

:blush: :blush: oh yeah, who dug this out of the crypt? andy187?

I managed to get a suntan yesterday whacking some olives off my trees. Just so I look good when I venture back in mid February for a stint! I dont want to be “The Pale driver”.

went shopping yesterday in finland, much to my surprise it was cold and snow there as well :smiley:

visiting my Dad in Calpe for a few days, getting to 15-17 c in afternoons. get a few looks from locals and the ex-pats…
off to walk up the big rock later :slight_smile:

When I was doing European work (early 80s to mid 90s) this was always the time of year I used to look forward to. The snow had virtualy disappeared, the sun started to shine properly and it starts to feel alot warmer down in southern France, Spain ,Italy etc. :sunglasses:

Just wondered if its shorts time yet? Wish it was over here, seems like its been winter for years. :unamused:

Cheers, bullitt.

Ive had mine in my bag for 3 weeks now, and not been brave enough to wear them :stuck_out_tongue: although I did see 2 of Allelys wearing shorts and flowery shirts last week.

Also the girl who drives for Broadleaze, her parents own the company, she does look quite good in shorts though :smiley: certainly better than the Allelys men