short film

Hey everyone,

I’m allan, a 30 year old artist/photographer from stirlingshire but im also an aspiring film maker. I also hold a class 2 licence and worked in the industry for a few years on transporters/general haulage, got alot of years in warehousing/forklift driving etc.

Bascially for my first short film i thought do something i have real interest in and thats being on the road and trucks in general. the aim of my film would be to find out about the men behind the wheel, their stories, find interesting characters, what you do when not driving,skills/talents /passions /aspirations you have basically to show who truck drivers are, try show the men & women behind the wheel and show a different side to what the general public see/think/judge. a lot of which i would be interested in doing on night runs from say carlisle to perth and everthing in between, basically have a chat in and cab and out whenever suits you. I have a vision but wonder if you guys would be interested or know of any interesting characters i could get in touch with.

i appreciate you even taking the time to read this and appreciate that a lot wont be interested but your positive feedback is helpful :slight_smile:

thanks alot