Short Area Related to the Sitting End

Why is it that trucks seem to be designed for shorter people. Im 6.2 and I drive an FM which I hae the seat right to the back, yet i could do with another few inches backwards. When I first started driving I was in a Scania and I couldnt get into 3rd or 7 because id have to move my leg which would have let go of the clutch. I couldnt drive a fl10 there was no room Iveco was bareable, although the stralis was comfortable. Am I the only one?

Er…ralliesport, mate…you haven’t put any option lower than 5ft 8… :cry:

I’m the only lass on at our place, but by no means the shortest, and I can’t vote in your poll! :unamused:

I’m 5ft 6, btw. :wink:

Er…ralliesport, mate…you haven’t put any option lower than 5ft 8… :cry:

I’m the only lass on at our place, but by no means the shortest, and I can’t vote in your poll! :unamused:

I’m 5ft 6, btw. :wink:

I voted , but I had to stand on tiptoe to reach 5’8" :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

5’ 7" would have been a better option

My apologies lucy and denisF

What about us tall people. I am 6’ 4". I must admit a few inches more leg room wouldn’t go amiss, but I found a 4 series scania to be more comfortable than a few of the cars I have driven.

Although, an ERF EC11 is pure agony on wheels !!!

My apologies lucy and denisF

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I suppose I could have edited the poll :wink: and put shortarse as one of the options :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No option for 6’ ¼"… so I rounded down!!

I’ve never really struggled in any truck (unlike plenty of cars!) but I have the seat & (steering wheel) set quite high and straight-backed. I can’t understand how some people manage to drive a truck in the reclined (like a car) position, so much so that they can’t see out of the side window?? :open_mouth:

What about us tall people. I am 6’ 4". I must admit a few inches more leg room wouldn’t go amiss, but I found a 4 series scania to be more comfortable than a few of the cars I have driven.

Although, an ERF EC11 is pure agony on wheels !!!

What he means is us REALLY tall people how about a 6’6" option?.

The biggest problem i have is them stupid bolted on sun visors i have to stoop to see anything in front of me.

well as im 147 cm ( 4ft 10 in ) i have the oppisite problem to jammymut, i cant use the sun visor as im not tall enough :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Edited and sorted. You should all be able to vote now. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

5’10’’ :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m 6’ 3" and I’ve had problems with a couple of lorries (one of the DAFs at my current work and a Scania 6 Wheeler) otherwise it’s been fine…I like to sit very upright personally pretty much like marcus said he does earlier in the thread.

Me 6’6", I can’t drive a scania without the seat being on its bump stops because of the visor, also lack of leg room :frowning: , one of the best cabs for us lankies must be the MAN TGA with it’s super deep windscreen, other than that the Merc Actros is also a good cab for tallees, plenty of leg room with the visor not to low, must be a german thing as BMW’s also have plenty of seat adjustment too :slight_smile: .

i am 1.85 mtr…i dont do inches and feet ( " inch ’ foot :laughing: )

5 11 for me and I’ve never had a problem, except that you can’t stretch out lengthways in most cabs :stuck_out_tongue:

When I first started driving I was in a Scania and I couldnt get into 3rd or 7 because id have to move my leg which would have let go of the clutch. I couldnt drive a fl10 there was no room Iveco was bareable, although the stralis was comfortable. Am I the only one?

Have the same problem Rallie. Long legs and trucks aren’t compatiable. Especially in Scanias. Am now driving a Daf. Plenty of room in that. In fact I don’t have the seat in it’s furthest back position.

Well I like to sit back with the steering wheel in a more car position. But youd think that because we are behind the wheel alot of the time they would have designed the cab and seating to be accomodating, even letting the seat go back a bit further.

Oh I didnt realise you could re edit the poll :open_mouth: :wink: :smiley:

I’m only 5’ 6", vertically challenged as they say!, but when I moaned on here recently about Scania’s and the positioning of various controls I got told to stop whinging :open_mouth: :wink:

well it seems that its not only me who complains about these modern day trucks.
I use to moan about the old lorries where the manufacturer would leave the driving position till the last minute…it was only when the foreigners came along…did we get some kind of comfort…well it seems that most of the old companies have long gone…good too…only got the ERF to sling on the scrap heap…and that completes the cycle…maybe they should have listened to us a long time ago.
It seems funny now that the truck is the way to attract drivers…and there are many out there who would choose a truck over money…nuff said…
One of my biggest complaints now…(might be old age)…is protection from the sun…i drive a TGA man…and there is (like most trucks) no protection fromn the sun bearing down through the drivers window…even if it bears down through the windscreen on the passenger side…how the ■■■■ are you supposed to reach over and pull down the blind…scania are the same…/
I must admit that the best all round truck…for comfort…cab space…sun protection all around…is the DAF…it was always way ahead of its time…well thought out…thought about the driver as well as the owner…its a bit dearer than other marques…but worth every penny…
as for the leg room bit…on trucks i am 5,11" and dont have too much problem with most trucks (except wendy houses) which i wont drive anyway, but the problem is Vosa not allowing a longer cab for driver comfort…but only allowing extra length…in favour of the boss…ie.the trailer or overall length of a vehicle…but we wont go into that argument again.

It’s a modern thing. When I started it seemed to me that most drivers were more or less my height, 5’6", which was a good job because the trucks of the day were constructed accordingly. I remember thinking when sitting in a Foden one day and looking through the bit of the windscreen just below the semi circle not swept by the wiper, how on earth would a driver just one inch taller manage?
The answer probably is that most tall people are taller because their legs are longer, the waist to head height being much more similar. A colleague at my last job in England was 6’6" tall but sitting down we were the same height.
I always felt sorry for these out-of-proportioned people :laughing: , probably explains why they invent such terms as ‘short arse’ for those of us blessed with more perfect construction. :sunglasses:

Salut, David.