Shipping wars

RIP the silver Jesus,
I know it’s only a reality tv show but the guy was a legend in my eyes, and he had a great way with people. :slight_smile:. :slight_smile:

Is that back on? I tried to series link the first one but it wouldn’t let me. Who’s died?

Grumpy Roy…series 4 I think episode 4 was on last night with Roy upto his usual. :slight_smile:

I only ever saw one episode, when the 2 scottish blokes took a DelBoy Robi Reliant to Scotland for £200. if it is a series, how many have i missed? And are there anymore on, and what channel?

Is it the American one or the British one?

The one i saw was British. No idea about the American one.

No this is the American series that started the whole shipping wars thing, 100 times better than the uk version, although I’m not usually into watching American stuff but the uk version is shockingly bad…

We watch the US show, it’s a good watch, over-dramatised for sure (aren’t they all??) and some occasional eye-candy too :smiling_imp:

What channel is it on only seen the british one

History I think it is and it’s on a Tuesday.

OMG I was only watching it last night and now he’s dead, you never know the minute. Loved the way he had great customer service, it’s either Roy’s way or no way. RIP fella you made me smile.

He died from a heart attack. I’d like to say it was a surprise he had one but given the amount of ■■■■ he smoked, the crap lifestyle and the levels of stress he brought upon himself it isn’t.

He was only 49 years old though which is the frightening part.

thats a shame,he made me laugh with his grumpiness,thats one of the reasons i looked forward to the show

That’s the first thing the wife said

What’s going to happen to his cat…

That’s the first thing the wife said

What’s going to happen to his cat…

he had a family of sorts so i guess they will look after it

the part that made me laugh on tuesday was when he asked jennifer for help cos he upset a customer,when she asked for payment his reply was i am not fxxxxxg paying you,ended up paying her expenses in the end,very good