Shipping out - Operation Stack

The Boss texts stating that he needs you too ship out on Sunday to France knowing that Operation Stack will be in force (confirmed by Kent Police).

What would you say ?

ferrys shud be ok by then but tunnel has a shut down sat night

I’d ask the boss what day and time do you want me to start? Remind him of delays/operation stack, put the ball in his court. Do as he asks and crack on :smiley: all pressure taken away :wink:

I got excited when the TM asked if I had a passport - turns out I’m going airside at Heathrow on Monday :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The Boss texts stating that he needs you too ship out on Sunday to France knowing that Operation Stack will be in force (confirmed by Kent Police).

What would you say ?

I’d ask him where I’m sailing from!

I got excited when the TM asked if I had a passport - turns out I’m going airside at Heathrow on Monday :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The Boss texts stating that he needs you too ship out on Sunday to France knowing that Operation Stack will be in force (confirmed by Kent Police).

What would you say ?

Which port am i using? If its kent, jog on!