Shall i resign?

Well i put a grievence in against a supervisor for victimiation bit worried as her father in law is the gaffer and all her family work there. i won my grievence but she has since handed in information at her disciplinery and i was suspended over the phone alleged gross misconduct for falsifying information!!! i put a grievence letter in and i won hows that falsifying information

Also requested my grievence notes on the 22nd june why havnt i recieved this and why are this being withheld as well as that recieved a redundancy letter on monday

as well as that recieved a redundancy letter on monday

Seems like they are on a sticky wicket doing this - I hope you are in a union or have good legal representation…

If you deem that the situation is ‘untenable’ and you feel that you are forced to leave then immediately claim ‘constructive dismissal’

remember - no benefits if you leave a job of your own accord - at least until an employment tribunal finds in your favour and that can take months !!

I would be squeaky clean in everything I do in the future, convince everyone it is forgotten, she will overstep the mark once more then you can punch her in the mouth :stuck_out_tongue:

You cannot resign if you are redundant, they cannot make a person redundant unless the job becomes redundant, if you are replaced, you are not redundant.

sticky wickets, definately, supervisors■■? not sure! but CAB will be.

Stay Calm though dear, they want you to storm off

shall i resign??

No absolutely not, that’s obviously what they want isn’t it :wink:

Quite a simple one really as you are aware i won my grievence hearing on thursday recieved a call from a supervisor and was suspended on full pay for all ‘’’ Alleged falsifying information to get a collegue to recieve disciplinery action’‘’ only evidence ive handed in was my grievence letter which i won as i had witnesses to what she said. Other item was a messege on facebook where she asked me to withdraw my grievence and we could sort it out face to face. im lost on this one. I put in writing on june 22nd a request for my grievence notes ive still not recieved nothing despite several phone calls. I came back of holiday and recieved a redundancy letter monday 2nd consultation on tuesday then suspended thursday on suspicion of gross misconduct!! what evidence could they possibly have? i know she counter grievenced me does that mean anything?