septic tanker

hay all still looking into septic tanker work and was woundering what would be involved with owning a running a vacume tanker. I was woundering if a liquide cargo licents is needed like when driving a fuel tanker ? would I need a O licents to run one tanker truck ? and would i need a wast carry licents ?. has anyone got any expirants with running or driving on of these trucks. any advice would be helpful. i dont think its a road to riches just trying get a handle on whats the best thing to do from people who have alreddy done it. thanks

Don’t know anything about it, but I live about 2 miles from a sewage works and have to pass it on the way to work and all I will say is you must have a strong stomach as I couldn’t do it!

There were posts about this last month you could check up on them,you dont need ADR or any of that ZB for a honey wagon.

They are not cheap and you will need some proper insurance. District Councils and contractors do not like it when you ■■■■ up all the tiles or cobbles in a drain.

A late mate of mine had a slurry tanker towed behind a tractor and made good beer money on a weekend emptying septic tanks and mobile toilets at public events. He also got the crap as a bonus for his fields.

Plus youll have to put up with all the ■■■■ jokes under the sun lol

Not this ■■■■ again…