Senthe over 20 cv's but when is it busy?

When does the busy period start and how easy is that time for a new driver find work without agency?


So you have sent 20 cv’s but what makes you stand out from anyone else when they don’t no you from Adam, get out and meet people most won’t want you but one just might if not try agencies most are ok.

Sent CVs or handed CVs to TMs and had a quick chat :question:

get off your hole and go and see them…emails,cvs,straight into the ignore/junk/bin until someones desperate for a driver tomorrow…waste a week driving into places that arnt Tosco and similar,then at least say you’ve tried…

Yes Ive driven to over 20 places handing a cv to each place this week so far

Yes Ive driven to over 20 places handing a cv to each place this week so far

Well you should be then thinking that they are not currently desperate enough to take a risk on a Newbie with no experience, as you have to realise that you’re at the bottom of the CV pile. As you asked, now is not the best time for a Newbie, as it generally is slack this time of year. So my advise would be to remove the ‘Zero Experience’ aspect of your CV by lowering yourself to limping. OK you might want a full time gig, but wouldn’t it be better to improve your CV while you’re holding out for some one to give you a shot on the books? :smiley:

Put your CV up online… had calls

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Yes Ive driven to over 20 places handing a cv to each place this week so far

Did you hand them to the person who hires the drivers and chat to them :question: - if you did then you can do no more :smiley:

Put your CV up online… had calls

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I put my CV online briefly over 10 yrs ago (not for driving mind, but I listed my HGV1 in qualifications), I still get a least one call or text a month offering me driving work in London.

Grinding it out with the agencies for the first critical months to gain that vital ‘experience’ was the advice I got when I first started out. Many drivers can get a lucky break and land a permanent position, but many others cannot. To a significant extent you make your own luck on that score, and the harder you work to make your luck, the luckier you’ll be.

Speak to the agencies, you’ve got nothing to lose. However, as Evil says, it is the slack time of year right now so it will take a few weeks before the work demand picks up again. Be patient and don’t lose faith or heart…

I passed my c+e license in November although not a newbie on class 2 I was at c+e. I sent off cvs I called into places, I even phoned people. Basically I was as annoying as possible, and I got offered quite a few jobs and I waited until the perfect one came along. In the mean time I did agency pallet work, which isn’t too bad at all and it paid quite well surprisingly. I wasent a fan of agency in general, mainly as you a treated a bit like something someone scraped off their shoe, but I always had a smile on my face and was pleasant, said pallet place offered me a full time gig but I got offered better.

Basically get your big fat foot in the door with agency it could lead to a full time gig.