Self Important Drivers

I wasn’t aware until this morning that certain lorry drivers are more important than others…
I was loading myself with a smallish digger this morning when a hiab/flatbed turns up and the driver asks if I can move to let him in. “No worries, just move far enough back so I can carry on loading mate” I reply. The response was “no I need to be where you are, I’ll only be half hour.” I asked what I was going to do during that time to which he said “you’re only loading dirt, I’ve got this cabin.”
I could’ve told him to ■■■■ off but I just politely slammed the door and carried on loading. Why he thought he was more important God knows.

I wasn’t aware until this morning that certain lorry drivers are more important than others…
I was loading myself with a smallish digger this morning when a hiab/flatbed turns up and the driver asks if I can move to let him in. “No worries, just move far enough back so I can carry on loading mate” I reply. The response was “no I need to be where you are, I’ll only be half hour.” I asked what I was going to do during that time to which he said “you’re only loading dirt, I’ve got this cabin.”
I could’ve told him to [zb] off but I just politely slammed the door and carried on loading. Why he thought he was more important God knows.

Maybe only god does know, But you were just to nice mate

Mixer drivers were the worst, “Timed delivery mate” was the usual cry when were parked on the same site waiting to tip tarmac etc and they wanted to get past. It didn’t seem to matter that WE were also on a “timed delivery” and were losing money sitting there! :unamused:
At another job I was backed into a bay to tip a load of tarmac (for bagging) and was just opening the taildoor when a powder tanker drew across my bows and coupled up to a silo! :open_mouth: I explained that I would be literally two minutes and once he started blowing I could be ‘trapped’ for an hour, he refused to move so I went to see the Manager. After a few minutes of arguing with the driver the Manager got him shifted and off I went, why some folk just have to be so ‘bloody minded’ that they cannot work alongside others I cannot fathom, we all have a job to do but a few minutes either way wont hurt surely?


Reminds me of when I was learning to drive rigids.

The instructor used the truckstop near Featherstone to do the reversing manoeuvre with the cones laid out and everything marked up. He did pay to use it too.

Mr Silentnight comes into an empty truck park and decides to put his trailer in the same bay as I’m reversing into!

My instructor went up to ask him not to put it there as we were training and got a gob full of abuse from this self important prick. Now my instructor was a big guy so when he reached up to the door handle to drag this guy out and “have a word” with him, he decides that maybe this isn’t the best place to park his trailer and moved on!

It never ceases to amaze me, just how inconsiderate some other “drivers” can be. Every time I do a delivery to a site of size, rather than a house, it seems some people go out of their way to make life hard for you.

I got stuck at a site in Rainham yesterday, all because a truck stopped dead on a t junction, to get out and find the site agent to see where he had to be.

I had it today funnily enough, I pulled into the weigh bridge at Port sunlight Unileverthe only way in. It was my first time on that site so didn’t have a clue where to go to pick up a flt so went to the security guy (very helpful as it happens) but the driver behind me was beeping and roaring at me to use the automatic weigh bridge and get out of the way, I was on a bloody beaver tail flat bed grrrrr, so I went over to him to nicely ask who the ■■■■ he is shouting at. The window went up and I just laughed and walked back to my wagon Mr security guy was chuckling his head off. :laughing:

Self Important drivers pay less tax and arnt PAYE so they are …oh never mind read the title wrong lol

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

If you see a Blue rigid Scania in the way, give a toot and I’ll move out of the way.

I think I’ve mentioned it before, but a few years ago I was queuing at tesco in Cambridge to fill my van up, when I got to the pump the prick in the car behind me got out and insisted I let him go first as his time was far more valuable than mine. I’ve never taken so long to fill a transit connect tank as I did that day!

I think I’ve mentioned it before, but a few years ago I was queuing at tesco in Cambridge to fill my van up, when I got to the pump the prick in the car behind me got out and insisted I let him go first as his time was far more valuable than mine. I’ve never taken so long to fill a transit connect tank as I did that day!

Ha ha, I would have put the fuel in the tank one penny at a time & filled my Jerry Can as well, then paid for it with an old fashioned Cheque.


I think I’ve mentioned it before, but a few years ago I was queuing at tesco in Cambridge to fill my van up, when I got to the pump the prick in the car behind me got out and insisted I let him go first as his time was far more valuable than mine. I’ve never taken so long to fill a transit connect tank as I did that day!

Ha ha, I would have put the fuel in the tank one penny at a time & filled my Jerry Can as well, then paid for it with an old fashioned Cheque.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I think I’ve mentioned it before, but a few years ago I was queuing at tesco in Cambridge to fill my van up, when I got to the pump the prick in the car behind me got out and insisted I let him go first as his time was far more valuable than mine. I’ve never taken so long to fill a transit connect tank as I did that day!

Ha ha, I would have put the fuel in the tank one penny at a time & filled my Jerry Can as well, then paid for it with an old fashioned Cheque.

After using all the facilities, including the coffee machine which I have no doubt I would have found extremely confusing. And even then I bet I would have left ny wallet in the van and would have had to go back & get it, forcing me to the back of any queue that might had formed to pay for fuel.

Couple of years ago I was doing agency for a demolition firm and we filled the four tippers up in Morrisons every morning. One morning some ■■■■ in an Audi stormed in when we were paying and went up to the kiosk and started complaining that “those big lorries should be made to wait till its quiet. People with cars need petrol. Who’s business do you want more?” To which the cashier replied
“well sir you have £15 of fuel. Those trucks have put in £1500 of fuel every morning for the last two weeks”. He threw £15 down and stormed off. She refrained from adding on at the end “take a wild guess who’s business we want more” but I think that would have been the icing on the cake!

I had a driver tell me to move because he wanted on the fuel pump. I was about half way through filling my tank. I told him I’d move when I was finished so he started arguing that I shouldn’t just sit at the pumps taking a break and the usual Stobart ■■■■ dross started. I wandered back to my cab and he jumped out roaring and shouting until he realised my tank was on the near side. Not the off side like his. He looked sightly confused. Then slightly embarrassed. He trudged back to his cab and sat there, and didn’t even squeak when I left the motor on the pump and went to pay. I did wave as I left.

When my boss phones up and I’m in a queue to get loaded he quite often asks me to see if they will let me jump the queue as I need to crack on. Do I? Nah, I’m sure everyone wants to be on there way.

If it’s a case of “Truck driver on duty filling the truck” vs “truck driver off-duty on their way into work”…

You could kinda understand the argument.

Isn’t there a thread above that relates to “some drivers thinking they are god” and all that?

Over the years, I’ve never had the stobart dross thrown at me, since I’ve never worked for them.
I HAVE had thrown at me many times “You’ve only been here five minutes” from either a full timer to me as agency or senior full timer to me as 20 years full timer when I was one of them.

Still being “The Boy” after yonks was one of the things that helps me to “wipe the dust off my feet” as I left of course…

I used to have a regular first drop every morning with shrink wrap etc for a meatworks near Ipswich (Qld). If I got there after the bin lorry, I just waited patiently while he emptied the industrials, then backed in and got unloaded. BUT, if I was there first, he always managed to pull across the entrance to the narrow yard, probably to show his displeasure at being made to wait, and then made a big show of having to move to let me out. One day, he even tried to drive in as I was driving out. He eventually backed out again and I gave him a big smile and wave while he sat there there staring daggers with his bottom lip trembling. You must be able to imagine how much I rushed about for him. :smiley:

Agency vs Job ‘n’ Knock full timers?

Salaried full timers vs hourly paid full timers?

Flat rate agencies vs timesheeted agencies?

Professional driver vs knob driver? :smiley: :grimacing: :sunglasses: :smiling_imp:

If it’s a case of “Truck driver on duty filling the truck” vs “truck driver off-duty on their way into work”…

You could kinda understand the argument.

Isn’t there a thread above that relates to “some drivers thinking they are god” and all that?

Over the years, I’ve never had the stobart dross thrown at me, since I’ve never worked for them.
I HAVE had thrown at me many times “You’ve only been here five minutes” from either a full timer to me as agency or senior full timer to me as 20 years full timer when I was one of them.

Still being “The Boy” after yonks was one of the things that helps me to “wipe the dust off my feet” as I left of course…

that is one of the lines that was constanlty thrown at me when at asda, then they would follow with an exact time i should finish…yeah like ■■■■ my life i finish when i finish if its before or after either way.