I’ll use the correct term because I used to be one, however…
I’m new to HGV, but not to delivery work, and a few days ago I experienced the ultimate in jobsworthness, or so it felt!
Delivering to construction site in Cambridge, the kind with a relatively tucked away entrance, but off a fairly busy road, bus lane, cycle lane etc. If you have a lot to tip, you have somebody watch the traffic while you reverse in, if not, you park outside with the hazards on and handball it in.
Getting to the point, I was parked on the pavement (yes I know lol), same direction as traffic, just jumped in my cab, was messing about with my sat nav, stowing D notes, the usual, when the security bod walks out into the road in front of me and puts his hand up, stopping the traffic from behind me, then starts waving me out! The thing is, he’d disappeared five minutes ago, obviously heard me start the engine and came running out.
It was very confusing for a range rover approaching from behind, after all, why would you expect somebody on foot to be holding you up, for a vehicle that is parked in such a way that a simple ‘right’ indication and move out when safe is all that’s required. This seems way over the top, and I made a point of telling him I wasn’t ready, and I’ll be fine to move out when I am. The response? “Call me when you’re ready, you need me before you pull out.” Sod that, I’m no lawyer but I’m sure that his legal liability ends at the gate and it’s actually part of my job to ensure the traffic situation is safe before rejoining the flow!
Don’t get me wrong, help in the right situations is definitely appreciated, but this is just ridiculous and holds people up unnecessarily, I suspect to make him feel important.
Also, don’t read into this, but his English wasn’t great either, which made getting my point across a little ‘trying’
And no, I don’t have a vendetta against security guys. Without wanting to be accused of racism or the like (which I am not), it seems that those from certain parts of the world have this complex more so than those from other parts. There are some excellent guys out there, it seems a shame to me that they get a bad image because of some.