i need help and information concerning curtain side trailers and loose loading of these vehicles. What kind of restraints should be used i.e inner curtains or in straps?? help me!!
Hiya Snowman,
It all depends on what type of load you are carrying. If it is pallets of drink, then the internal straps are fine but if it is sheet steel then you will need ratchet straps.
Basically, if the load is high and wide enough for the internal straps to secure it then they should be ok plus you have the added security of the curtains. Dont rely on curtains alone though.
If your not sure then use whatever straps youâve got and if you still think it isnât secure then donât take it cos at the end of the day it is YOUR responsibility.
Hope this is of some help.
i need help and information concerning curtain side trailers and loose loading of these vehicles. What kind of restraints should be used i.e inner curtains or in straps?? help me!!
just another hint if your carrying a full load of drink or whatever criscross the internal strapps to the last two stacks so as they donât tip back against your back doors, as the person behind you might not be to happy.good luck.
thankyou for your reply, its not palletised its loose boxes. Does this mean the outer curtains are not sufficiant as a restraint?? id be grateful for any help you could give meâŚ
thankyou for your reply, its not palletised its loose boxes. Does this mean the outer curtains are not sufficiant as a restraint?? id be grateful for any help you could give meâŚ
if its loose boxes then the curtains will be sufficiant.i think the curtains have something like a 3ton restraint on them. i have carried alot off loose boxes unless your carrying a full load top to bottom and front to back then it is odds on that theyâll fall over. hopefully there wonât be any breakable freight inside. you can only do your best mate, at the end of the day its the customers responsibility to ensure the frt is safe enough to transport, if you feel that it is not safe to carry then you have the right to refuse to carry the load. your boss might not be happy but its not his licence your the one that would be delt the fine not your boss. don;t worry if your not sure ask someone another driver at the same pick up as you , donât be shy itâs better to be safe than sorry no matter how long you have been driving. in this job you are always learning never forget that.good luck let me know how you get on
thanks KitKat for your advice, ive been a HGV driver for the past 25 years and i agree that you never stop learning. i really need something in writing from an official organisation i.e RHA, FTA that i can show the trailers that we are pulling are unsuitable for the purpose that they were constructed. i would be very grateful for any help you could give me regarding this, thankyou
Snowman, we can probably advise better if you are able to tell us what is in the boxes, how heavy they are, & how high they are being stacked?
Are these boxes cardboard or timber?
When you say âloose boxesâ can we assume you mean they are not palletised?
I spose its most important if their heavy. Light stuff wont be so bad, I wouldnt want a lot of weight being held solely by curtains meself, but light stuffs ok, like that Rockwool ect.
Try sending an email to the manufacturer of the trailer. If you can quote any serial numbers they should be able to look up the original specification.
I read an article some months ago where one manufacturer (I think it was Don-Bur) maintained that their curtains were designed to take of load somewhere in the region of 10 tonnes. It seems a bit high to me so my memory may be a bit hazy on the details.
Iâve done some work for an auto-parts distributor carrying a variety of packages, all shapes and sizes, and weights, and there was never any suggestion of using any types of restraint. However, it was loaded mostly only to a height of 2 or 3 feet.
hi snowman, got a tel no 01932 841515 this is the number for a Ms CHRYS RAMPLEY from the RHA got it from there web site www.road haulage association.net this woman deals with security of loads, trailers depots etc might be worth having a chat with her, it wonât hurt to ask her advice.
kitkat, I think her expertise in âsecurityâ relates to Crime Prevention rather than Load Restraint.
kitkat, I think her expertise in âsecurityâ relates to Crime Prevention rather than Load Restraint.
yes possible but might be able to put snowman in touch with someone who might know.
i want to thank everyone for their help, ive almost got the problem sortedâŚfinally. i couldnt comment on the weight or height of my load as it varies from day to day. Happy New Years to everyone and thanks againâŚ