
From another thread.

Nuff said.

It was watching this that got me thinking and asked the question lol

Anyone notice the type of vehicle in that clip :laughing: :laughing:

And tipper drivers still don’t get it :grimacing:


chris mc:
I always wear mine even though when I hit a bump I get pinned to the frickin seat.

When I lived in Germany there was a senior officer who went past a camera & it flashed, He thought I’m not speeding I’ll go past again, This officer goes past right slow again, low & behold FLASH!! Officer thinks thats wrong I’m gona tell those cops over there, So he turns around & because of the road layout he needs to go past again. Flash!!! Officer goes to the cops in his rant & says that camera is busted its flashed me 3 times now.

Cop: that camera there??
Officer: Yeah that one
Cop: its remotely controlled by me
Officer: why did you flash me then??
Cop: its a seatbelt camera, if your not wearing it I take your picture now can I have your details!!

senior officer then owed the Germans 180 DM

That tale has been around for a while now, only the country varies.

Yeah, nearly as sick of hearing that story and it’s variations as I am the 1 about the ‘foreign’ (insert country here) driver who pulled off a bay whilst it was being loaded etc etc…