Searching for uk main city/town maps

Can anyone recommend a solution when trying to find a map to read in a city or town,when your ave atlas covers the uk but not when you reach city or town,I have had a few bad experiences with my tom tom(not to be trusted when driving an lgv,even with bridges height and weights programmed).

I ended up with about 40 A-Zs but only took with me what I needed for that day. - Must be more difficult for trampers as you would have to take the lot with you - Sorry boss, load me with half a tonne less as I have all my maps in the cab :exclamation: :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh, and if any of you young-uns say “What’s a map?” then I’m going to feel very old :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

  • What’s a SAT-NAV :question: :question: :wink:

Can anyone recommend a solution when trying to find a map to read in a city or town

To be honest I can’t figure out what you want people to tell you, you can buy town maps at most decent garages or large book stores, what other solution to getting maps is there :confused: (someone’s bound to suggest stealing them :smiley: )

Seems to me that you have four choices, buy town maps when you need them, use something like Autoroute on a laptop, use the map on your sat nav or rely on asking people for directions.

I use a collins Atlas with Urban area maps in the back which has most of the large town/city areas and I also use the Phillips County Street Atlas’s,never really had a problem with either…the only problem is when new roads and industrial estates are built the maps then become out of date.
I also use Autoroute on my laptop,but to be honest I prefer to use the maps,excercises the brain too.
as for ■■■■ Nav…;.Im holding out as long as possible and im a youngster :open_mouth: ,going back the brain thing…you lose it if you dont use it. :wink:

Just follow your nose. :wink:

I used to have a load of OS county street maps when I was a courier, the problem was the weight. Also what would happen is this:

  1. Get a job one day to say Manchester.
  2. Don’t buy a map and ask at the petrol station first time as I’m not spending £10.
  3. Get a job to Manchester a few days later.
  4. Decide to spend a tenner and get a OS Greater Manchester street map.
  5. Never get a job to Manchester after that! It was the kiss of death!

The bigger ones are good as the scale is good enough to doodle new roads on.

At the moment I’m running on a 4 yo-yos Collins Ireland map. OSI Greater Dublin map and an OSI Leinster Town maps book - in addition to eyeball Mk1.

I’m had brief weak moments thinking about it, but so far avoided buying a satnav. :laughing: Prefer to do it the old school way even though I’m not as old as ROG :wink:

i tend to use the maps/AA Road Atlas to get me to the area then use the sat nav around the town, until i get lost then resort to maps again.

yes i have got a cupboard full of maps of the south of England (up to Birmingham and one for Manchester) but have got my moneys worth from them, pick a route, write it on a note pad and off you go.

just the AA atlas and a sharp set of wits about you with a good set of mk1’s and you should be OK.

i have got a weakness of buying a map if i go somewhere i haven’t been before, you never know when your satnav will decide to pack up and i can almost guarantee it will be on a Friday afternoon in somewhere like London.

When i first started tramping, i bought an OS map every time i went to a different county, like everyone says you’ve got half a ton of maps on board.

Oh and don’t believe the bloke that pulls out a moth eaten “pocket size” map of uk and says “this is all i got” …seen that trick too many times :unamused:

]- What’s a SAT-NAV :question: :question: :wink:

Another youngster here who would rather use a map and some thought :slight_smile: If not mapping your own way, then using rac route planner :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:

Sat navs do my head in, woman wont shut up and in typical fashion(off the women i know) leads you in the wrong direction anyway…

The brain is there for a reason :wink:



  • What’s a SAT-NAV :question: :question: :wink:

Another youngster here who would rather use a map and some thought :slight_smile: If not mapping your own way, then using rac route planner :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:

Sat navs do my head in, woman wont shut up and in typical fashion(off the women i know) leads you in the wrong direction anyway…

The brain is there for a reason :wink:

If you know how to use the brain and some thought how could a sat nav lead you in the wrong direction, a sat nav’s just another map in electronic form :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

LOL Tacho, So far, all the Sat Nav’s have sent me round the houses. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m not a fan anyways :wink::stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve heard one good way of using a sat nav

“set” the sat nav to show your location, pan out to about 200 metres, when you move the little arrow moves with you.

So when you enter the area you want, you can see all the surrounding road names, a bit like having a paper street atlas that turns the page for you :sunglasses: