Search for ferry-stickers

Hi marcus!

Your second picture has them all in it i looked after! :open_mouth:
I think the “fern schnell gut” is from nowerdays.
You can still buy them but they are not exactly the same.
The letters on the originals from the seventies had been much thinner.


Hi everybody!

As promised here are a few pics of your stickers on my lorry and from our tour.
A special big “Thank you” to telekonsteve, mickharrow and jimski for their kindly help!
I will send you a cd with all the pictures from the trip but it takes more time to collect them all from the other drivers and to make a copy (I’ve never done that before… :blush: ).
The only sticker i’m still looking for is the “Allez via Calais” from Townsend Thoresen for the rear window in the middle.
So if anyone has one to offer i would take it. :wink:

You’re welcome, and by the look of the photos they’ve found a good home and I can’t wait to see the DVD. I’ll keep looking for the stickers, you know how it is, stuff hiding everywhere I remember puttin it safe, just can’t remember where {;-/


your disc arrived today and it certainly looks a good trip / many thanks and excuse sending a message for you here but not able to conect with a PM

if you want any more stickers let me know and i will try to help

regards / mick

Hi Mick!

I’m glad that you received it.
This was my first picture-cd i made. :unamused:

I know the pictures are not in chronogical order, but they are mixed from three cameras, so some look similar.

Only sticker i’m still looking for is the “Allez via calais” from Thorensen, but it’s not so important now.
If there is a sticker from germany you would like to have , let me know.

Best wishes from Germany!

Yes my disk also arrived today, looking forward to looking through the photos this weekend, thanks for sending it me, I’ll keep looking for the stickers, I’ll come across them when I’m looking for something else, as you do.
Cheers Steve