A bit of a long shot this one, Came back from gent in belgium this morning. On the A10 just south west of Gent, there had just been an horrific pile up involving a good few trucks and many cars - in thick fog. We passed it going the other way prob 30 seconds after it happened. One scania artic had planted into the rear of a trailer and to be honest he would not of been able to get out let alone if he survived. Reason for the post was that flying through the fog within 1/4 mile behind it was 2x Sealane red lorries - in convoy. Anybody on here work for them and knows if they escaped the carnage. There was [zb] all we could do to warn them.
Found a news article here:
7sur7.be/7s7/fr/1502/Belgiqu … vele.dhtml
A 61-year-old trucker was killed. The Sealane vehicles presumably escaped.
Myself being a newbie stuff like this puts me off, but im keeping well back from the truck in front.
That is one horrific photo. Certainly one to stop you feeling complacent!!
That wasnt the truck we saw! The truck we saw was bad, really bad, but thats shocking!! presumably he didnt even have chance to brake…
A bit of Duck tape won’t fix that.
I heard about the accident yesterday on the radio.
Was stuck in the aftermath for a while around 1300hrs it had All gone by then just the clean up …
Came back from gent in belgium this morning.
Was he worth the long drive?
Sorry… That was insensitive of me.
ATS will have to come out and fix that tyre, it looks a bit flat to me.