The goody two shoes safety brigade have responed to this by saying there will be more accidents and death as a truck needs more room to stop, a modern truck can stop quickly now, it proves out of touch these experts are.
They say speeding kills, I disagree, I think it’s idiot drivers that kill. There have been so many vehicle safety advances on all vehicles from bikes to trucks that I think they Gould re-write the highway code or at least the out of date stopping distances.
They say speeding kills, I disagree, I think it’s idiot drivers that kill. There have been so many vehicle safety advances on all vehicles from bikes to trucks that I think they Gould re-write the highway code or at least the out of date stopping distances.
Speeding does not kill. If it did every time a plod car went past over the limit someone would die.
They don’t, so it doesn’t!
It’s poor driving and poor observation that kills.
To be honest all this is just waving a bit of a carrot in front of the haulage industry, a bit like the idea of charging foreign trucks.
Neither of them will sort the real problems, but the government can say it’s done this and that when challenged.
Surely the fact that you can’t travel along the countries motorway network without coming to a grinding halt in several places must have more of an effect on the economy than not being able to do an extra few mph on single carriageway
A roads.
Alright, I know I don’t live there anymore, but a 90K limit was put on trucks on 100K roads here in Qld a few years ago and it was chaos. As someone else said, a truck can stop pretty bloody quick nowadays if it has to. Look at you lot on motorways… a pain in the arse because you can’t do 70mph. Not your fault, but when you pull out to overtake, you’re in every ones way. I drove artics and rigids over there before limiters, when the general standard of driving was a lot higher than it is now and never saw or had a problem with being able to keep up with other traffic. I also realise that the roads are a lot busier now, but still say that if a driver’s concentrating and not up someone elses jacksie, then he or she ain’t likely to be causing a smash.
Trucks are now limited to 100K the same as cars around here and when they need to overtake, they don’t cause a problem. These Euro type lawmakers should get their heads outa the sand and put all limits the same, for all vehicles on all roads. You don’t have to keep up to the limit if it’s not safe for your vehicle or the road conditions, along with stiffer penalties for breaking the rules.
You know what they are going to do…
They are going to get most A roads speed limits brought down to 40MPH, and they will use the speed of lorries as an excuse to do this…Give it 4 or 5 years and the campaigning will begin, if not before!
You heard it here first
Funny how people talk about trucks being able to stop quicker these days yet forget to mention there heavier. Im not a 40mph merchant but i cant see how allowing trucks to go faster will create safer roads.
Just read Hammond’s statement.
I note that the proposed new limits will only be for “certain” goods vehicles. He doesn’t say which ones.
By increasing the MAXIMUM speed limit for vehicles the increase in AVERAGE speed for A-road journeys is likely to be no more than 3-4 mph. Is this hoping to solve the current economic crisis? I suspect that this is more about a) making police officers’ jobs easier and b) an exercise in bullsh*t.
The only operators likely to gain from this proposed legislation are those engaged on night deliveries, where there is less traffic on A-roads, therefore giving a slight improvement in journey times. Not enough to drag the industry or the country (let alone the world economy) back into prosperity.
The ongoing problem in government is, in my humble opinion, that Ministers usually know absolutely nothing about the Ministry that they are appointed to. Does Mr Hammond have a professional connection to any form of transport? Not including his no doubt regular trips to foreign climes in first-class accomodation in a Boeing 747, of course.
A bit like the chairman of British Airways being made Minister of Agriculture, I reckon. Ministers rely on the advice of those who run their ministries in Whitehall and, as we all know, the Whitehallocrats have their own agendas and can steer their political “masters” in whatever direction suits them.
I remember when the television programme, “Yes, Minister” was in it’s heyday, a Whitehall insider was quoted as saying, “It’s a lot nearer a documentary than a fictional programme”. Says it all, really.
It’s just the Whitehall time-servers trying to justify their existence by getting their minister to issue a statement. Doesn’t really matter what that statement’s about, just making a statement of some sort will keep them in line for the pension(massive lump sum, inflation-linked, etc,etc, moan, moan, winge, winge).
Funny how people talk about trucks being able to stop quicker these days yet forget to mention there heavier. Im not a 40mph merchant but i cant see how allowing trucks to go faster will create safer roads.
Saamon, if you read my post properly you’ll see that I said “I also realise that the roads are a lot busier now, but still say that if a driver’s concentrating and not up someone elses jacksie, then he or she ain’t likely to be causing a smash.” Another thing I wrote was “You don’t have to keep up to the limit if it’s not safe for your vehicle or the road conditions, along with stiffer penalties for breaking the rules.”
So what I’m basically saying is that road sense, which is no more than common sense is the way to go and anyone who hasn’t got road sense should be off the road, whether they do it for a living or not. And yes, trucks are heavier, they also have better brakes and suspension and more wheels on the road.
Another thing I wrote was “You don’t have to keep up to the limit if it’s not safe for your vehicle or the road conditions, along with stiffer penalties for breaking the rules.”
So what I’m basically saying is that road sense, which is no more than common sense is the way to go and anyone who hasn’t got road sense should be off the road, whether they do it for a living or not.
I just think theres alot of drivers out there that lack the maturity to legelly drive on a single carriageway at 50mph, instead of raising the speed limit on singles i think removing speed limiters would be a better idea.