Scottish Truckers Fuel Protest Convoy

A convoy of about 100 trucks is expected to leave Strathclyde Park, Motherwell at about 09.00hrs tomorrow (10th June 2008) and head through to Edinburgh to the Scottish Parliament.

The route is as follows: M74 - M73 - A8

The convoy will run under Police ■■■■■■ from start to finish and is being organised as a peaceful protest about the cost of fuel and the Governements lack of action about it.

The convoy is being organised by David McCutcheon the MD of Bullet Express and trucks of all sizes are expected from all over Scotland and the more we can get there the better.

On a more personal note, before any of you on here start to witter about “it’s not going to make any difference”, think on - what are YOU doing about it? If the answer to this question is “nothing” then I presume that you will continue to pay the high price for your fuel and won’t have the nerve to complain.

the best of luck for tomorrow.

the more of these that go on the better it is for the common man!

you never know they might even take note and drop tax on fuel one day.

ooohhh look mum, a flying pig!
:laughing: :laughing:
good luck though fella

Good luk to you guys up there you never know we may all stick together someday!

Whats the point, this government shall not listen.

Whats the point, this government shall not listen.

:unamused: :unamused:

Go for it. there will be a big one in chester very soon.

except the police will know nothing about it. :laughing:

We have had a few in Scotland now and its always the same faces that show up, if anything does come of it, all the excuses will come out of why people couldnt attend. Off course they back it they just dont like doing anything to help, off course they will gladly take advantage of any fuel discounts.

Hope it goes well, it seems to work in spain…
It doesn’t take alot just the odd one here and there, then the public start panic buying, things will go ■■■■ up VERY quickly.
Mr brown WILL have to do something then, good luck noth ‘O’ the border

I agree something has to be done.

But i keep reading about an essential users allowance for haulage companies.

The problem is with going down that route you loose the support of the PUBLIC remember we all pay these high fuel costs.

It has to be a reduction for everyone not just essential users only.

Thats my 2 cents worth

what it needs isnt demos here and there. it needs demos all on the same day at the same time.

What we need is for everyone to stay at home for the rest of the week. Nothing will move, We won’t inconvenience the flow of traffic. We can’t get arrested for it.

Right then. I’m formally protesting for the rest of the week. I’m only going as far as the pub. Anyone else going to do the same?

Ok i’ll take the rest of this week of.

Anyone else ?

Right then. I’m formally protesting for the rest of the week. I’m only going as far as the pub. Anyone else going to do the same?

as long as its not the flying handbag :laughing:

eccleshall driver:
what it needs isnt demos here and there. it needs demos all on the same day at the same time.

how about a mass lobby of parliament :wink:

The RHA is organising a Mass Lobby of Parliament to coincide with the debate in the House of Commons about the Fuel Duty Regulator. The SNP has taken up our suggestion of a Fuel Duty Regulator and this will be discussed when the Finace Bill is debated probably in early July. We do not yet have an exact date but will let you know as soon as we can.

eccleshall driver:

Right then. I’m formally protesting for the rest of the week. I’m only going as far as the pub. Anyone else going to do the same?

as long as its not the flying handbag :laughing:

Okay we’ll meet at “funnygirls” :laughing:

Maybe we need a spanish type strike !!!

What we need is for everyone to stay at home for the rest of the week. Nothing will move, We won’t inconvenience the flow of traffic. We can’t get arrested for it.

Right then. I’m formally protesting for the rest of the week. I’m only going as far as the pub. Anyone else going to do the same?

Thats all very well but are you going to pay my mortgage, loans, household bills…think not!! :unamused: :unamused:

Thats all very well but are you going to pay my mortgage, loans, household bills…think not!! :unamused: :unamused:

If there are no trucks moving, There is no post, There are no bills, The bailiffs have no fuel. But we can’t carry on for too long as we may run out of beer. :wink:


What we need is for everyone to stay at home for the rest of the week. Nothing will move, We won’t inconvenience the flow of traffic. We can’t get arrested for it.

Right then. I’m formally protesting for the rest of the week. I’m only going as far as the pub. Anyone else going to do the same?

Thats all very well but are you going to pay my mortgage, loans, household bills…think not!! :unamused: :unamused:

And what will happen if your company u work for goes bust as they cant afford the fuel??