Scottish independance

If we get a vote on scottish independance. we need to know…

  1. will fuel duty be cheaper in the north?
  2. will cigarettes be cheaper?
  3. will brothels be legalised?
  4. will i need a visa?
  5. will it be a republic or monachy?

anyone got any more questions■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I thought Scotland was independent? Didn’y they spend a forture building the Government HQ. I’m all for Scottish and Welsh independance, then Brown or whoever can lower taxes in England.

Cheap fuel, cheaper taxes, no tachos, no Vosa, you can have three wives, tax reduced on booze, …thats about it, what a bum deal. Oh I nearly forgot we control the oil

I thought Scotland was independent? Didn’y they spend a forture building the Government HQ. I’m all for Scottish and Welsh independance, then Brown or whoever can lower taxes in England.

Its nothing like independant at the moment. its got itself a gloryfied county council. :laughing:
Brown and Co lower taxes, i’m confused. :laughing:

lower taxes…I live in hope :smiley: :slight_smile: :astonished: :frowning: :cry:

If we get a vote on scottish independance. we need to know…

  1. will fuel duty be cheaper in the north?
  2. will cigarettes be cheaper?
  3. will brothels be legalised?
  4. will i need a visa?
  5. will it be a republic or monachy?

anyone got any more questions■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

  1. not sure about now but before the scottish parliment elections the SNP were worried about the cost of fuel when it was 30 pence a litre cheaper than it was just now. they realised places like the highlands people were having to pay more and travel further and were talking about adjustable fuel duty to compensate for changes in global prices.

i’ve no idea about their policies now but in some ways unlike Labour and the Tories they do seem to think about these issues like fuel costs because it does effect and wreck businesses like haulage.

  1. no idea, with the health issues in the west coast of scotland i wouldnt be surprised if they were more expensive or at least the same price as in england. i doubt though they would drop in price. plus as well english and scottish government prob work together on things like ■■■■ because if they were much lower in either place with an open border would create a massive blackmarket. with convoys of hired transit vans going across the ■■■■■■■■■■ gap to get cheap ■■■■ and booze.

3)not sure about brothels but doesent edinburgh already have licenced “massage parlours”. Margo McDonald ex SNP has campaigned hard for decriminalised street prostition zones in Scotland to make the industry more open and safer for ■■■ workers so who knows. But then again Glasgow has strong ties to the catholic church and seems more preachy and moralistic so maybe not.

4)Doubt it would be like going between any other European Nation prob like going being RoI and NI.

5)I think a monarchy think Alex Salmond said he would keep the Queen as head of State even tho i see this angering many people wanting independance. I’d assume maybe a republic with the Queen as a figure head, i think thats the SNP’s thinking.

Would be interesting to know what would happen in terms of VOSA and the likes.

Would the ■■■■■■■■■■ gap going southbound turn into the jump to light speed for many scottish trucks heading south. since if scotland was a independant country we would become like the Irish, Poles etc… and basically little english police and VOSA could do for speeding or tachograph infringements.

if you get independence are you going to take brown and co back? All the scottish mp’s who make laws that don’t affect their own constituants. British liberation!

3)not sure about brothels but doesent edinburgh already have licenced “massage parlours”. Margo McDonald ex SNP has campaigned hard for decriminalised street prostition zones in Scotland to make the industry more open and safer for ■■■ workers so who knows. But then again Glasgow has strong ties to the catholic church and seems more preachy and moralistic so maybe not.

This is true, my friend went to one in Roseburn Terrace.

If Scotland becomes independant does this mean all the jocks in England will be returning to Scotland? Not that I’ve got anything against jocks but the reason I ask is that if they all return to Scotland, that’ll be half the population of England gone :open_mouth: and who will replace them? Poles? Romanians? Iraqi’s? the French! I would rather have the jocks here, I might not understand a word they say, or get to grips with blokes prancing around in skirts :wink:, or understand why they hunt haggis’s (or is that haggi)?

So I say to all you jocks living in England - dont abandon us - we need you! (except Gordon Brown, he can [zb] off back to Scotland if you’ll have him)


:wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I think we should give them independance, they need us more than we need them… :angry: :angry:

I’m all for it but let’s do it proper this time…

1: rebuild hadrian’s wall but this time lay anti personnel mines.

2:proper border crossings and charge them road tax on entering & exiting ENGLAND

3:repatriate all scottish born people.

4:if scot’s want to stay in england they have to swear allegiance to the queen of england.

5:the scot’s will have control over north sea oil but not gas, so it’s going to run out sooner rather than later, so when it does they will be begging for help and we’ll just invade again pretending we are helping them. USA get away with it so we should be ok. :laughing: :laughing:

I’m all for it but let’s do it proper this time…

1: rebuild hadrian’s wall but this time lay anti personnel mines.

2:proper border crossings and charge them road tax on entering & exiting ENGLAND

3:repatriate all scottish born people.

4:if scot’s want to stay in england they have to swear allegiance to the queen of england.

5:the scot’s will have control over north sea oil but not gas, so it’s going to run out sooner rather than later, so when it does they will be begging for help and we’ll just invade again pretending we are helping them. USA get away with it so we should be ok. :laughing: :laughing:

I will drink to all of the above:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

I’m all for it but let’s do it proper this time…

1: rebuild hadrian’s wall but this time lay anti personnel mines.

2:proper border crossings and charge them road tax on entering & exiting ENGLAND

3:repatriate all scottish born people.

4:if scot’s want to stay in england they have to swear allegiance to the queen of england.

5:the scot’s will have control over north sea oil but not gas, so it’s going to run out sooner rather than later, so when it does they will be begging for help and we’ll just invade again pretending we are helping them. USA get away with it so we should be ok. :laughing: :laughing:

what you going to invade with, all the real soldiers are scottish. :sunglasses:


I’m all for it but let’s do it proper this time…

1: rebuild hadrian’s wall but this time lay anti personnel mines.

2:proper border crossings and charge them road tax on entering & exiting ENGLAND

3:repatriate all scottish born people.

4:if scot’s want to stay in england they have to swear allegiance to the queen of england.

5:the scot’s will have control over north sea oil but not gas, so it’s going to run out sooner rather than later, so when it does they will be begging for help and we’ll just invade again pretending we are helping them. USA get away with it so we should be ok. :laughing: :laughing:

what you going to invade with, all the real soldiers are scottish. :sunglasses:

OOOO listen to her… :angry:

off topic a little.
i heard a londoner who lives in ireland interviewed on irish radio one day.
he was asked what he thought of the royal family.
he was very much against them and called himself an english republican.
he said he wanted to die a british citizen not as a subject.
i thought it was a great answer.
theres not too many of us irish would be very favorable towards the queen or the royal family.
it struck me as unusual for an englishman especially a southern englishman to have this opinion.
back to the topic,im not trying to start a political argument.

why do you think the ENGLISH goverment has disbanded some many scottish regiments?

don’t worry we’ll still let you wear your skirts, sorry kilts.

So on a side note , as the royal family is of greek/german dissent what happens here ? no more kebab’s and Sour Crout, actualy keep the Sour Crout out of it :wink:

But as Cites like Birmingham and Leicester fall into a minority of English people in them still the Scotts get a bashing for living on these shores just like most of the other Viking’s Or Germans

Have a read

As for Gordon Brown, he wil get all whats coming to him , history will record this and it aint down to being scottish but being a failure.

i hope you are all kidding on becauseif there were to be any trouble ie wars ect i would sooner be in a trench with a scot , welsh or irish any day you would not see that lot from united states of europe for dust

why do you think the ENGLISH goverment has disbanded some many scottish regiments?

don’t worry we’ll still let you wear your skirts, sorry kilts.

To join them together to make bigger regiments, cost cutting etc… lets face it the English government is good at that. Even when it means sending soliders out to war without the proper equipment.

As for the oil running out, yeah that keeps on getting spread around but others say because of ever developing technology to enable getting to oil with was thought in the past unfeasble the Scottish oil maybe not even reached half its potential but ssshhh keep that a secret cause lets face it the English government exactly going to publish that and give more support for independance.

I aint really in favor of independance or a split of the union but on the other hand the english will prob vote in the tories at the next general election, then after letting them screw up the country even more for ten years vote in labour again for another ten years of screwing up the country.

At least the SNP talk about issues like helping with fuel duty and seem to be interested in smaller businesses. The SNP kept open hospitals rather than like Labour wanting to close A&E departments so if someone has to visit an A&E department they would have to travel 100miles. Not to mention care for the elderly, stuff that any decent government should be doing.

I laugh when people talk about the tories now as if they are some kinda saviours, as if the tories would do somthing about the likes of fuel duty. The tories claim labour shouldnt have stoped the fuel duty escalator after the fuel protests. The tories stated in 2005 they would re-introduce the fuel duty escalator and hammer up the price of fuel. They will be our saviours, well only if you fancy not being able to afford to get to work if you even have a job to go to.