Scottish fuel duty protests!

Ho folks, Ive just set the date for the second Scottish fuel duty protest this year. As im sure you are all well aware the price of fuel due to fuel duty is beyond a joke and its about time something was done. Theres a fair few protests happening in England but nobody was doing anything north of the border so I decided to do it myself. The first protest we had was a few weeks ago and we decided to have it up at the BP refinery in Grangemouth since its a relevant setting. We got a really good response from tanker drivers and hauliers alike and are now looking forward to the next one which promises to be bigger. We plan to protest every couple of weeks, gaining in numbers each time just like the protests down south so if you are in Scotland or are going to be anywhere near Gate 1 at BP Grangemouth refinery on Friday 15th April from 10am then come on down as we would love to see your support and even just have a chat about how things are affecting you and what we can do to make our government listen.

For those on facebook:

Please share with people you know as its everybodys responsibility to get this sorted, all you have to do is turn up :slight_smile:

cheers, any questions please ask away!


PS we dont represent any union or group, we are just people who are fed up with the rip-off.

Why was’nt your first protest successful?
Are you doing anything diffferent this time to make it successful?

just parking up near a refinery, and chatting to tanker drivers won’t do any good.
direct action, like road blocks for a couple of weeks might work.

If you buy me a bacon and egg doubler from the van i’ll come for 45 minutes, ive got 2 drops in falkirk on a friday anyway :smiley:

It was successful, it was the start of a growing movement and far more successful than no protest hehe. The first baby step taken towards showing the UK that Scotland isnt going to lay down and watch everyone else fight for our rights to buy fuel without a remortgage. Everything has to start somewhere and this movement started a couple of weeks ago with two, yes just two of us protesting. This time there will be at least 5 or 10, next time more, the time after that more again. The idea here is to raise awareness and to let people know that there is something they can do to let out their frustrations at the situation. In due course, when enough people are turning up and showing their support, only then can nationwide action be taken. I am already in contact with most of the other major groups of people in the UK who are protesting against fuel duty and when the time comes, we will ALL be taking action at the same time on the same day. Im not expecting it to change anything overnight and neither should any of you, what IS going to happen though is a ■■■■■■■■■■■ effect with more people getting involved but it cant happen without the support of you guys, your families and the people you know. You cant blockade a refinery with one car :astonished:

One thing I learned from the first protest is that everybody feels the same and wants to help change things, we are all sick fed up getting ripped off at the pumps so by doing what Im doing Im hoping people will see they can do more than be a slave to fuel. If you dont protest then you cant complain about it as you’ve done nothing to change anything. This is our chance to show solidarity and to not be told no.

There are people taking action so what choice do you have but to get involved?

From an acorn grows a mighty oak :slight_smile:


From an acorn grows a mighty oak :slight_smile:


Very true, here’s another saying, from blockading a petrol refinery, grows a terrorism charge :exclamation: :wink:

Good luck I was wondering when this stuff was going to happen.

Something is wrong when the government can’t get money together from a nation where everything is taxed from getting paid to paying for stuff.

Scotland has a government.
why dosn’t it set its’ own duty? equal to that of luxembourg maybe?

then the English polititions will use the usual amount of common sense, as they always do.
they will invrease fuel duty and vat. :laughing:

Not long now folks, please let as many people know as you can, this is an ongoing thing and there will be more protests to come… :slight_smile:

Facebook group: … 15349&ap=1




I don’t see why your targeting the oil companys the government gets most of it in taxes. You should be protesting outside holyrood

ps: According to your facebook page only 6 attending, thats not much of a protest :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You will see the light one day :wink:
Have a google and see how many protests have actually achieved anything, if the fuel protest of 2000 couldn’t achieve anything then standing outside a refinery with 5 other people and running away when the police turn up sure as hell aint going to.

You will see the light one day :wink:
Have a google and see how many protests have actually achieved anything, if the fuel protest of 2000 couldn’t achieve anything then standing outside a refinery with 5 other people and running away when the police turn up sure as hell aint going to.

nobody was running away the goverment just changed the law and threatened o licenses as they do .

sammy dog:
nobody was running away the goverment just changed the law and threatened o licenses as they do .

I don’t need an o-licence to drive a car.

I think they are getting ready for you! Just been to the west country and it was 142.9 for petrol!

im not finidng it too bad for petrol actually, i dont get why some folk moan. i get 27mpg if i take my time and round about 20mpg when i drive quickly.

im paying roungly £1.28 a litre

my track car gets about 4mpg, about £100 quid of fuel every trackday i do,

anyway your protest is gonna fail tbh.

im not finidng it too bad for petrol actually, i dont get why some folk moan. i get 27mpg if i take my time and round about 20mpg when i drive quickly.

im paying roungly £1.28 a litre

my track car gets about 4mpg, about £100 quid of fuel every trackday i do,

anyway your protest is gonna fail tbh.

bloody hell gogz what kind of car have you got, and i thought the kwak was bad at 32 mpg, (and that is steady) ride it to ts potential and its in your mpg :laughing:


im not finidng it too bad for petrol actually, i dont get why some folk moan. i get 27mpg if i take my time and round about 20mpg when i drive quickly.

im paying roungly £1.28 a litre

my track car gets about 4mpg, about £100 quid of fuel every trackday i do,

anyway your protest is gonna fail tbh.

bloody hell gogz what kind of car have you got, and i thought the kwak was bad at 32 mpg, (and that is steady) ride it to ts potential and its in your mpg :laughing:

my daily is a saab 9-5 aero, lol

the track car is a bmw 325 with a few mods etc, i spend about the same in tyres for a day lol



im not finidng it too bad for petrol actually, i dont get why some folk moan. i get 27mpg if i take my time and round about 20mpg when i drive quickly.

im paying roungly £1.28 a litre

my track car gets about 4mpg, about £100 quid of fuel every trackday i do,

anyway your protest is gonna fail tbh.

bloody hell gogz what kind of car have you got, and i thought the kwak was bad at 32 mpg, (and that is steady) ride it to ts potential and its in your mpg :laughing:

my daily is a saab 9-5 aero, lol

the track car is a bmw 325 with a few mods etc, i spend about the same in tyres for a day lol

oh ■■■■, was thinking about getting a saab for the next car, don’t think i bother now :laughing:


sammy dog:
nobody was running away the goverment just changed the law and threatened o licenses as they do .

I don’t need an o-licence to drive a car.

why are you commenting on a truck forum about issues that hinder us hauliers when you drive a car then,…what did you do in 2000 to help anything change■■?

Graham it would be better if the Saab was a manual, I’ve got an auto n the turbo needs setup cause I should easily get 35mpg from it, 40mpg on a run