scottish diary

After doing another scottish run last week I took a few pictures and did a small diary, so here goes

Tuesday, a nice early start to miss the traffic on the M6 , had a very very nice breakfast at Tebay services , carried on up to Glasgow and got stuck on the M8 Kingston bridge due to some muppet breaking down, then carried on down the M8 to cross the Erskine bridge.
along the A82 to Tarbet and then onto the A83 to the rest and be thankful, had a nice slow crawl up here due to being stuck behind a very elderly little grey ferguson tractor and similar vintage trailer, got to my first drop in Strachur, 40 6m lengths of 200x200mm box section for a small engineering works on small farm, decided to park in the only layby that my wagon would fit in for my first night out,what a view to wake upto.

wednesday a nice late start 8 am :slight_smile: as I forgot to set my alarm and onto my next drop at Crinan, a selection of steel sheet and some tubing, for the small ship repairers yard there, had to turn round on the car park at the harbour and decided to have a small break to admire the view

no rest for the wicked ,just as I’m enjoyin an ice cream,my boss rings me to tell my drop for Oban has been rerouted to a building site in Glencoe,.I get to Glencoe to find out that they are actually waiting for me as they have run out of rebar for the bridge they are rebuilding, while I am unloading, this comes flying over

, then its up through Fort William ,Corpach and to my last drop at Lochoilart with another load of rebar for the widening of the A830 “road to the isles”, just out side Arisaig, I then decided to carry onto Mallaig to have my night out as there is an excellent chippy, anyway I spent my night parked here

Good Read and great pics mate :wink:

Hi Andydisco, Nice diary and pics. :grimacing:

You’re right mate, there’s some stunning scenery in Scotland. :smiley:

Thanks a nice read and great pictures

Hi Andydisco,
great diary,lovely scenery,and you get paid to do it.
Does it get any better.

Hi Andydisco
Thanks for a great diary and photos.
I was up at Kinlochmoidart last year just off the A830 to a trout farm. Lovely scenery up there but just that low bridge on the A830 back to Fort Willam with a artic and a tilt :open_mouth:

Cheers chaps

the scenerys one of the added bonus’s so thats enough for me to be happy with doing the scottish run every 3 weeks as noone else will do it as you are out usually all week,
its just the annoying midge’s that are everywhere this time of year ruin it, and the tourist coaches , that annoy me
and that low bridge is rather awkward aint it,

Great diary and picts mate ,
its runs like that that make the job worth doing !

Nice diary mate,Crinan is a great little port,nice hotel there as well,i envy
you driving around Scotland.

Great pictures, excellent read, thank you

great run… wish it was me. :angry: :angry:

Used to do a run on AA Griggs like that…

Usually pick up a trailer at USAF Mildenhall, then drops in

Reload Edinburgh for home.

There used to be a lay by right on the Loch side at Strachur, opp a Hotel, always stayed there for a night as I could get a telly piccy there, manys the time I watched seals plaing in the Loch.

And the sunrises and sunsets, always seemed awesome in Scotland…

its just the annoying midge’s that are everywhere this time of year ruin it, ,[/quote]

Try Avon Skin-so-soft. Apparently the little [zb]'s hate it :wink:

Good read and nice piccies.