Scotland..more lorry driver friendly?

I did 4 years in the early 2000s,spending all week delivering new furniture to high st. shops. We had deliveries in just about every town.and also a lot of the villiages in Scotland,from Stranrear to Peterhead and from Berwick to Thurso.
There almost always seemed to be a town centre car park which allowed lorries,many marking out a few bays for hgvs. Many also had very clean toilets with a cheerfull attendant!!. Is it still like this ? I really enjoyed having my 5 nights out up there, you cant beat having your cornflakes sat in the passenger seat with the door open looking out over the Dornoch Firth.
Regards John.

Did you ever visit that toilet that Ewan Mcgregor used in Trainspotting?

Did you ever visit that toilet that Ewan Mcgregor used in Trainspotting?

No,but most of the places I was referring to were above the two big cities. Although the first time I stopped in Peebles after having a " wash and brush up" in the immaculate toilets complete with pot plants,the lady attendant brought a mug of tea out to the cab,and said that as she would soon be closing,would I like to fill ma flask up? And no,thats not a euphemism for anything else !!!. Just met some nice people up there.
Regards John.

In my experience, I have found that northerners are more tolerant when it comes to trucks. Take the dual section of the A1 around Newcastle, whenever I stick an indicator on, one of the cars alongside immediately slows and lets you out. Do that on the A34 at Winchester and you can sit for hours waiting for a break in the traffic as no bugger will let you out!

Maybe I have just been lucky, but there definitely seems more tolerance the further north you go

God no. Scotland is a despicable horrible place. Totally un truck friendly. Avoid at all costs. Please stay down sarf.:wink:

I am bias but deff find driving north of the border
At a more sedate pace , ok our motorway network isn’t up to the same standard as down South but then again nearer is our traffic jams !

It is a lot better unfortunately I don’t get “up scotch” that much anymore but when the opertunity arises it’s always a pleasure to do…unlike the truck friendly south east

I used to love going to Scotland. England used to be the same - you could park up in most town centres, at least - but as we all now, now they want what’s on the trailer, then you can sod off as quickly as possible.
I used to have a regular run, in the course of which I could park up:

on the seafront at Ayr
right bang in the middle of Edinburgh
harbourside at Arbroath
practically on the beach at Banff
in Pitlochry among the most beautiful scenery (but only if your trailer was under 14’)

I don’t know if these are still available, byut they were all great places to park.

In my experience, I have found that northerners are more tolerant when it comes to trucks. Take the dual section of the A1 around Newcastle, whenever I stick an indicator on, one of the cars alongside immediately slows and lets you out. Do that on the A34 at Winchester and you can sit for hours waiting for a break in the traffic as no bugger will let you out!

Maybe I have just been lucky, but there definitely seems more tolerance the further north you go


Did you ever visit that toilet that Ewan Mcgregor used in Trainspotting?

You’ve used the ‘drivers’ toilet in our yard then?!! :laughing:

When I used to drive down south, it felt as though every street I wanted to turn down had a 7.5t weight limit on it. Could hardly ever get to a drop without having to find an alternative route. Used to do my box in that!!! Obviously it’s just to keep trucks out of their streets. :angry:
Back up home in sunny Scotland, there is hardly any restricted roads. More truck friendly. :grimacing:

Leith docks was a good place to park in early '80’s I remember . Free parking , no aggro ,■■■■■■■ dancers in the Angel.
What more could a man ask for ?
Then they went and gentrified Leith ,

The further north you go the more tolerant I find they get…
When I was driving for Reed Boardall on the A1 near pontefract I was catching up with a slower moving vehicle and without slowing down or even indicating a car coming up the outside flashed me out :open_mouth:

i like the way they all seem to take there trucks home as well, go past a house on a weekend with any sort of driveway and there will be a V8 Scania parked up

God no. Scotland is a despicable horrible place. Totally un truck friendly. Avoid at all costs. Please stay down sarf.:wink:

Spot on pal… :wink:


God no. Scotland is a despicable horrible place. Totally un truck friendly. Avoid at all costs. Please stay down sarf.:wink:

Spot on pal… :wink:

happysacks taking the pish pal :sunglasses: :laughing: :grimacing:

Oh I never take the pish!

I was in Keith once and parked on the main road nr the Tesco to do a wee bit of shopping. I got back to the truck to find a Tesco employee waiting for me. He asked if I was looking to stay overnight & when I said yes he directed me to a small car park very close and said if I fancied a pint later he’d be in the “Muckle McShuckle” later on. I stayed in my cab…maybe I missed my gay moment?

Born Idle:
I was in Keith once and parked on the main road nr the Tesco to do a wee bit of shopping. I got back to the truck to find a Tesco employee waiting for me. He asked if I was looking to stay overnight & when I said yes he directed me to a small car park very close and said if I fancied a pint later he’d be in the “Muckle McShuckle” later on. I stayed in my cab…maybe I missed my gay moment?

So his name was Keith was it.

I have noticed a difference too.Lgv parking for free in coach parks in towns.Better food at pit stops.Friendly welcome every where.
And no Anti truck brigade or Nimbies.
No truck ban routes.Passing fly fishermen wearing waders in the river to Coldstream.