
can anybody tell me what scof means i keep seeing it wrote in the dirt on the rear of loads of lorrys

under ‘in the meantime’

SCOF Superformance Cobra Owners Forum
SCOF San Clemente Ocean Festival
SCOF Standing Committee on Fisheries (Canadian Parliament)
SCOF Swirling cesspool of filth
SCOF Southampton Council of Faiths
SCOF Start Circle Of Friends
SCOF Solent Credit Opportunities Fund

and plenty more that I cant be arsed to include :open_mouth:


swirling cesspool of filth from the alex lester show on radio 2 3-6am weekdays same place slap my top and bolloxnia came from

anyone heard from leon■■?

anyone heard from leon■■?

Is there a parrot in here? :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

well theres ten million scof posts thought i’d bring leon into it :laughing:

can anybody tell me what scof means i keep seeing it wrote in the dirt on the rear of loads of lorrys

Swirling Cesspool of Filth…

It’s a long story which I heard early morning b4 the sun had it’s hat on…

anyone heard from leon■■?

Didn’t he go to Boloxnia :question: :laughing: