Schools in the South

Hi all

I’m. New to the forum and to trucking…

I have decided to pack in my nursing career for a career on the road and looking to complete my C and C+E courses. The ultimate plan is to double man with my partner and so far may have work lined up here and in Europe.

I have done a lot of homework and know what I need to do… I have sorted a medical and my paperwork is currently sitting with the DVLA and I have started studying for my theory, HP and CPC case studies.

My biggest decision now is what school to use… obahev done loads of Google searches and spoken to many schools and companies that seem to farm you off to schools…

I have found 1 on the South Coast in South Hampton which not overly close to me but seems to say all the right things. They are also the only school that so far has offered a free assessment. The school is called Trailer Training UK Ltd, … htm?imz_st, but I have not been able to find many reviews on them. Does anyone know of them? If they are any good? Or does anyone have any other schools they know of on the South Coast?

Any help or advice would be great… I’m having to save every spare penny (which is a rare occurrence) to do this as I have no credit card or loans available to me so I don’t want to waste my money on the wrong school.


Hello mate,

Not sure where you’re based but I went with Gordon Springate at Detling and they were brilliant, great atmosphere and I passed both tests first time too. Here’s their URL:


Have you checked out the link in my signature below :question:


Yes I have looked at your link nd reading through it bit by bit… Thank you for all the useful info. It has helped me avoid brokers which I was temper to use.